School will be closed on Monday, May25th, in observation of Memorial Day.
Field Day Update - Congratulation to the championship Red team on their victory today! A grand time was had by all!
Mark your calendar for family fun!
The annual St. Mary's Carnival is coming soon! Your help is needed as a volunteer. Sponsorships are available now! Click here to volunteer. Click here for sponsorship sign-up. Deadline for sponsors is Tuesday, May 26th.

St. Catherine's Men's Club is holding a golf tournament on Friday, May 29th at Simsbury Farms.
It includes lunch and a surf and turf dinner. The cost is $135.00 per golfer.
For every foursome from the St. Mary's community that signs up, the St. Catherine's Men's Club will donate $100 to our school! The rest of the proceeds of the tournament goes to Pantry Partners Feeding Simsbury Families in Need. If interested, please contact St. Catherine of Sienna parish at 860-658-1642. Thank you for your support.
Come Explore an Ocean of Books!
At the Book Fair Under the Sea
Get ready for summer reading at our BOGO Scholastic book fair:
Tues. May 26 12:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Wed. & Thurs. May 27 & 28 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Fri. May 29 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Sun. May 31 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Classes will be visiting the Book Fair at the following times:
Kindergarten - Wed., May 27th @9:15AM
Grade 1 - Thurs., May 28th@10:45AM
Grade 2 - Tues., May 26th@1:15PM
Grade 3 -Wed., May 27th @2:00PM
Grade 4 - Wed., May 27th @10:15AM
Grade 5 - Wed., May 27th @1:15PM
Grade 6 - Thurs., May 28th @2:35PM
Grade 7 - Tues., May 26th @2:35PM
Grade 8 - Tues., May 26th @2:00PM
We still need volunteers, so if you are available please contact Karen McKenna at or Bridget Shanley (860-738-8965) if you are available to help.
Special Event for the book fair: