Grandparents' & Special Person's Day is Friday, May 8th. No RSVP is required. We are looking forward to a "house full of company"!

Athletic News - Jump rope for Heart & Hoop for Heart is Thursday, 5/7, for grades 4, 5, K, & 1 and Friday, 5/8, for grades 6, 2, and 3. Students should be sure to bring in their packets with donations included. Questions should be referred to Mr. Gangloff at sgangloff@stmarysimsbury.eduk12.net.
Spring Vocal Concert & Art Show - Please join us on Tuesday, 5/12/15 for our Spring Vocal Concert & Art Show. Guests are welcome to begin arriving at 6:30pm to view our student's works of art. Our concert will begin promptly at 7:00pm. This year's vocal theme is "We are the World" - a musical trip around the world. All students in grades Kindergarten through Grade 8 participate in this concert and attendance is required. Performance is considered part of a student's music grade. Students should arrive at 6:45pm wearing their "Sunday Best." "Sunday Best" is defined as no jeans for boys or girls. Additionally, for boys, "Sunday Best" means a collared shirt with walking shorts or slacks, socks and shoes. For girls, "Sunday Best" means walking length shorts, skirt or skort or slacks and a shirt or blouse that covers the shoulders. It may also be a modest length dress that covers the shoulders. No flip-flops or backless sandals and no high heels. The Art Show will be on display in the Parish Center.
May School Mass - We will join our parish family at the 12:15pm Mass on Ascension Thursday, 5/14/15. All are welcome to join us. Please remember that no physical education uniforms should be worn to Mass.
Health Office Reminder - Due to the potential for allergic reactions, school policy prohibits the bringing in of special treats for lunchtime sharing in the Parish Center. Please also remind your children that food in their lunches should not be shared with friends.
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First Graders Went on a Spelling Scavenger Hunt...reading around the room looking for words that contained the "er", "ir" and "ur" blends. |
Golf Tournament - Monday, May 18th
Join Us! At the Hopmeadow Country Club in Simsbury
The Golf Tournament is right around the corner, but it is not too late to register for our (free!) coffee gathering at the start of the day, to play golf or to join us for the dinner and auction! Sign up today to join in the fun and support St. Mary's School. Click here to visit our website for more information or go straight to our online registration site by clicking here. We look forward to seeing you there!

Congratulations to Mary M. & Kevin W., Grade 6, on their winning essays in Senator Kevin Witkos' annual essay contest. The writing prompt for this year's essay was "Describe the American Melting pot as it relates to immigration."
Home & School Association
Everyone is invited and welcome to attend the Home & School Association meeting on Thursday, 5/14/15, at 6:30pm in the 8th grade classroom.

National Day of Prayer - This Thursday, May 7th - Everyone is welcome to gather at noon on May 7th outside the Simsbury Town Hall for the National Day of Prayer. There will be a brief ceremony but all are welcome to come and go as their time permits.