Grandparents' & Special Person's Day is next week! Again this year, our guests can look forward to light refreshments, student entertainment, classroom visits and our beautiful May Crowning prayer service in church. We are looking forward to seeing all our special guests on Friday, May 8th. See agenda below. No RSVP is required.

2015-16 Family Enrollment Forms & Fees are now overdue! If you have not yet returned your Family Enrollment Form and Fee for 2015-16, please do so ASAP. In order for your Smart Tuition Account to begin in June, it is important that renewals are processed in a timely way. In addition, waiting lists do exist in several grades. If seats are going to be available, we would like to be able to begin to welcome new families to our community. If you have mislaid your enrollment packet or have questions regarding family enrollment, please contact the school office.
Art Show Help Needed! Our annual art show will be held in conjunction with our Spring Vocal Concert on Tuesday, May 12th. Our art teacher, Mrs. Raposo, needs some help with labeling student art work and then getting it hung up in the parish center. If you can help her on 4/29 or 5/1 with labeling or 5/6 or 5/8 (after Grandparents' & Special Person's Day) with the hanging up of art work or 5/13 with taking down art work, please email her at
Everyone is invited to a Benefit Pizza Dinner on Saturday, May 2, 6:00 PM in the Parish Center to help raise funds for a St. Mary's parish family. Melissa Sartori and her daughter, Katie, are both undergoing treatment for cancer. There will be a silent auction and music by Simsbury High School Choir and Band members. Proceeds from the dinner will assist the Sartori family and support cancer treatment in their honor.
Cost for the dinner is $10.00 per person and $20.00 per family. Payment will be accepted at the door on the night of the dinner. Additionally,if you cannot make it to the dinner but would like to contribute, there are red "donation" envelopes that already have postage on them available at all entrances of the church.
Checks for the supper and/or contributions should be sent to St. Mary’s Church. Please make your check payable to “St. Mary’s Church” with “Sartori Family Health Fund,” noted in the memo section of the check. All contributions are welcome. If paying for the dinner, please note the number of people attending. If you are just sending a donation, please note "Donation only" in the memo section as well.
If you have questions or wish to volunteer contact Meg Keating at 860-651-3993 or email her at