Assuming that the weather allows us to come to school tomorrow, Wednesday, 11/26/14, will be a 12:45pm early dismissal. There will be NO Prekindergarten Enrichment & NO Aftercare available on Wednesday, 11/26/14.
Winter Weather Reminder - Please keep in mind that SMS follows the Simsbury Public Schools in regard to delayed openings, early closings, and closures for a snow day. If you hear that the Simsbury Public Schools are closed, St. Mary's School is closed.
"It is the beautiful task of Advent to awaken in all of us memories of goodness and thus to open doors of hope." Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger
When we come back to school on Monday, December 1, the season of Advent will have begun. This year, St. Mary's has a special Advent gift to share with everyone. Click here to visit our very special Advent calendar. Each day, you will be able to open a new surprise as we wait in patience and joy for the Baby Jesus. You can also reach the Advent Calendar right from the home page of our school blog by using the Advent Calendar tab at the top of the screen.
On Monday, December 8th, we will attend Mass at 12:15pm with our parish family to celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. All are welcome to join us on this Holy Day of Obligation. Please remember that no PE uniforms should be worn to Mass.
December School Calendar Reminders -
Monday, 12/1 - Formal Uniform begins for 8th grade.

Thursday, 12/4 - Thanks to everyone that supported the Grade 8 Poinsettia Sale - Poinsettia pick up will be in the Parish Center on Thursday, December 4th from 2-4pm and after all Masses on Saturday, December 6th & Sunday, December 7th.
Social Saturday is Coming on December 6th!
Click here for a ticket reservation form.

Monday, 12/22 - Christmas Band & Choral Concert. Dress Rehearsal at 2pm & evening performance at 7pm in the Parish Center. Everyone is invited to this evening of seasonal instrumental and vocal music. Directions regarding arrival time and concert attire will be provided to musicians and chorus members by Mrs. Morse and Mrs. Lepak. Snow date is Thursday, January 8, 2015.
Wednesday, 12/23 - 12:45 Early Dismissal for Christmas break. There will be NO Prekindergarten Enrichment and NO aftercare.
Monday, 1/5/15 - School reopens and our celebration of Catholic Schools' Month begins!
The regular registration period for the Ski and Snowboard Club is now closed. Late registration will be available until the program starts January 7. Late registration requires a $25 late fee and completion of the required forms - click here.
Room is available on the bus to Ski Sundown for anyone who has a season pass. Please contact the group leader Jim Shanley at or the school office for additional information.
The program will start on Wednesday January 7, 2015 and runs each Wednesday through 2/4/15. If a cancellation is necessary due to weather conditions or school closure, the program is extended to the following Wednesday.
Members of the 2014 SMS Chess Club with moderator, Mr. Omelan Markiw. |

$25 and $100 denominations. Quantities are limited since this a holiday sale only. Send your order in ASAP.
GL Scrip has gift cards available to many popular shopping destinations. Please take a moment to review the list of available retailers as you make your Christmas shopping list. Click here.
The deadline for all CHOICE special orders is Wednesday, December 10th. Orders placed after 12/10/14 may not arrive in time for Christmas giving.
Home & School Association News

Fundraiser at the Shoppes at Farmington Valley, Canton
Let your Christmas shopping help St. Mary's. We invite you to come to Barnes & Noble, Dish N Dat and Ben & Jerry's in Canton on Thursday, December 4th from 4-9pm. A portion of all sales from each of these establishments will benefit St. Mary's Home and School Association. When shopping at Barnes & Noble, you do need to present a voucher in order to assure a portion of your sales benefits the HSA. Click here to download and print your vouchers.There will also be musical entertainment performed by our very own SMS students along with a display of student Eric Carle themed artwork. Come join the fun and get some Christmas shopping done at the same time!
Family Fun Night - Thursday, December 11th from 4 - 7pm is family fun night.
Please join us at Blue Fox Rock N Bowl on the Simsbury/Granby town line. Tickets will be sold for $15/person which includes unlimited bowling and laser tag!
Neckers - Another opportunity for Christmas shopping!
We invite you to come to Neckers Toy Store in Simsbury on Thursday, December 11th. A portion of all sales will benefit St. Mary's Home and School Association.
Community News
The Edge Religious Education program and The Knights of Columbus will be sponsoring Breakfast with Santa on Saturday December 6th from 8:30 to 10:30 in the St Mary's Parish center. Tickets will be on sale this Sunday in the Church vestibule after 9:30 Mass. Tickets are $10 per person, children under 2 are free. There will be no ticket sales at the door on the day of the event. There will be breakfast, crafts for the kids and a visit from Santa! For more information please contact Stacie Windisch at or 8606519424.
The Hartford Children's Medical Center was planning to conduct a Mass Casualty Exercise on Tuesday, December 2nd. Student volunteers were being solicited. This exercise has been cancelled and will be rescheduled for a date after the busy holiday season.