"Take our flowers for your crown. Let them represent our wish to wind you a wreath of joy and thanksgiving. Grant peace and joy to our hearts, grant peace and joy to our families, grant peace and joy to our parish." Each morning in the month of May, traditionally a month honoring our Patroness, the Blessed Virgin, students from Kindergarten and second grade gather outside after morning prayer to crown our Blessed Mother. If you should find yourself with a few minutes after morning drop off, you would be most welcome to join them.
The application period for the 14-15 Trust Scholarships is now open. The guidelines for scholarship eligibility are available on our school website. Click here.
The application form has been sent to all families using the SMS Families 13 email distribution list on Monday, April 28, 2014. It is also available on our school website. Click here to access the application form. ALL APPLICATIONS MUST BE POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN MAY 30, 2014.![]() |
Students in Mrs. Jehning's First Grade Class were "Dressed to Impress" at our Spring Vocal Concert! |
Our entire community extends its thanks and congratulations to Mrs. Lepak for all her hard work and dedication in the preparation of our most beautiful and patriotic Salute to America Spring vocal concert. We are also so proud of the wonderful job our students did entertaining us. And didn't they all look terrific in their "Sunday Best". It was a fabulous evening.
Spring Band Concert - On Thursday, May 22nd, our Spring Band Concert will be held. There will be a 2pm dress rehearsal that is open to guests along with the 7pm evening performance.
It is important that all students have their instrument and band music with them on 5/22 during the school day. All clarinets & saxophones should have spare reeds (new) and brass players should be sure to have valve oil.
Concert dress for evening concert: Black bottom and white top.
Music Stands: It is important for every student to bring his/her music stand (please label with tape or sharpie) to school during the day on 5/22. There is much equipment to be carried and we can lighten the load considerably if each student is responsible for his/her own stand!
Arrival time: Band students will need to meet me at 6:15 sharp in the Parish Center for warm-up & tuning. The Parish Center will be closed to the audience at this time. The Parish Center will be open to audience members at 6:45 PM. Drums do not need to be tuned and percussionist may arrive at 6:30PM. Click here for additional important information for student musicians.

Art Show - Our entire community extends its thanks to Mrs. Urgo for coordinating this year's fantastic Art Show! The displays truly showcase the amazing creativity and talents of our students. The SMS Annual Art Show will be on display in the Parish Center through the Spring Band Concert on May 22nd so there is plenty of time to enjoy our students' art work.
Our next school Mass will be the Feast of the Ascension on Thursday, May 29th. We will worship with our Parish family at the 12:15 Mass. Everyone is welcome to join us. Please remember that no physical education uniforms should be worn to Mass. Please note that there will NOT be a school Mass on Friday, May16th. This is a change to our school calendar.
Our June School Mass will be on Friday, June 6th at 10am and will give us an opportunity to come together as a community of faith to celebrate the Class of 2014 and bless them on their way.
There will be prayer service on our last day of school, Monday, June 16th at 8:45am in the church. All are most welcome to join us as we thank God for a productive, positive school year and pray for a relaxing, safe summer. Everyone is also welcome to attend the annual student Award Service that will begin at 9:30 in the Parish Center. Parents of students that will be receiving an award will be notified in advance by homeroom teachers.
Any class to have 8 individual golfers or 2 foursomes register for the tournament will win free ice cream the day after the tournament!

We are also looking for sponsorships. Sponsorships start at tee signs for $100 to lunch sponsors at $1,000 to golf cart sponsors at $2,000. Show your support for St. Mary's School and Catholic education by sponsoring this year's tournament. Click here for Sponsorship form.
Thanks to everyone that helped make our annual Grandparents' and Special Person's Day a fabulous success on Friday, 5/9/14. We had a full house of visitors and it was wonderful to see so many happy faces.
Athletic News -
Middle School (Grades 5-8) Field Day is scheduled for Monday, June 2nd. Middle School students will walk to Memorial Field for a softball tournament. Hot lunch will be delivered to the fields for students that have ordered for this day. Volunteers are needed. We need a minimum of 8 home plate umpires to run field day. We would also like to have an additional umpire in the outfield to help keep the game flowing. Even if you can only commit to part of the day Mr. Gangloff can still use the assistance. We will not be able to run field day without enough umpires. Please contact Mr. Gangloff if you can help at sgangloff@stmarysimsbury.eduk12.net.
Field day for grades K-4 will be on June 12th in the north parking lot from 9-11am. If the weather fails to cooperate, field day will take place indoors.
Home & School Association News -
The Summer Reading Scholastic BOGO fair is open!
Bookfair Hours - Hours of operation appear below.
Thursday, May 15: 11:30AM - 4:00PM
Friday, May 16: 8:30AM - 4:00PM
Home & School Association News -
The Summer Reading Scholastic BOGO fair is open!
Thursday, May 15: 11:30AM - 4:00PM
Friday, May 16: 8:30AM - 4:00PM
Sunday May 18: 8:45 AM -1:00 PM
Monday, May 19: 8:30AM - 3:00PM
Class Visit Schedule - Each class will have an opportunity to visit the bookfair. Below is the schedule.
Monday, May 19: 8:30AM - 3:00PM
Class Visit Schedule - Each class will have an opportunity to visit the bookfair. Below is the schedule.
PreKindergarten : Students visit with parents as desired
Kindergarten: Fri. (5/16) 12:30-1:10PM
Grade 1: Thurs. (5/15) 1:00-1:30PM
Grade 2: Mon. (5/19) 12:45-1:15
Grade 3: Thurs. (5/15) 2:00-2:30PM
Grade 4: Mon. (5/19) 1:30-2:00PM
Grade 5: Fri. (5/16) 9:30-10:00AM
Grade 6: Thurs. (5/15) 1:20-1:50PM
Grade 7: Fri. (5/16) 11:45-12:15PM
Grade 8: Fri. (5/16) 2:35-3:05PM
Community News
Seventh Grade Student, Grace Domashinski, was featured on WFSB's Better Connecticut on Tuesday, 5/13/14. Grace recently won first place in the statewide Connecticut History Day competition. Click here to watch Grace's appearance. Our continued congratulations to Grace on this wonderful accomplishment and for being such a wonderful representative of school's student body.

Update from Connecticut Federation of Catholic School Parents - Now that the Connecticut legislative session is ended, an update is available regarding the legislation that had potential impact on our community. Click here.
We hope you will consider supporting Ethan's project at a Car Wash and Bake Sale from 8-1 on Saturday, June 7th in the St. Mary’s School Parking Lot. If you cannot make it to this event, Ethan would also be grateful for a donation. Donations should be made out to Troop 175 with a notation in the memo line that it is intended for Ethan Meskill’s Eagle Scout Project. Donations should be mailed directly to Ethan at 12 Phelpscroft Rd., Simsbury, CT 06070.
St. Mary's Adult Enrichment Committee invites you to join them on Saturday, 5/31/14.
Children entering grades K-5 are invited June 23rd-26th from 8:45 AM-12:15 PM to join us on a Wilderness Escape with Moses. Discover what it was like to live in an Israelite camp. Join one of the tribes of Israel for games, music & crafts.
Volunteers (adults & teens) are needed. Students entering grade 6 and above are welcome to volunteer. Children/teen volunteers, please register at stmarysimsbury.org. Click the red button Register Now on the homepage. Cost is $40/child. Email Kerri WorkVBS@stmarysimsbury.org.
Saint Mary's 35th annual Spring Carnival will be held from June 4th - 7th at 34 Hopmeadow Street in Simsbury (Field South of Connecticut Light & Power.Carnival Sponsors are being recruited now. Click here to download and print a sponsorship form.

Save the Date: June 8, Sunday 1 - 3:00pm at St. Catherine of Siena Church in West Simsbury
Featured Panelists: Rev. Msgr. John J. McCarthy, Chancellor, Archdiocese of Hartford; Daniel P. O’Connell, Chairman, Saint Francis Care Board of Directors; Jeff Mateer, Esq., General Counsel of The Liberty Institute
The panelists will address the Affordable Care Act and its moral, legal, and health care implications in light of Catholic Teaching and Religious Freedom.

May and June are always busy, happy, exciting months at school! Last week, we celebrated Nurse's Day - Our thanks to our school nurse, Mrs. Kim Tyrrell, for the great care she takes of all of us every single day!
Additionally, Ms. Soucy's fourth grade class went on their field trip to the State Capitol and Connecticut State History Museum. While at the Capitol, they spent some time with our State Representative, John Hampton. Mr. Hampton is an alumni of St. Mary's School and we thank him for his warm welcome.