Y'all! Christmas tree huntin' with little guys is so much fun! We ended up at Mystic Tree Farm (thanks to Dusti) and brought home a gorgeous Leland Cypress and a Blue Ice Cypress for the boy's room. We strung lights and decorated with ornaments while Christmas music jammed in the background. The boys loved picking out ornaments to hang and I smiled remembering where a lot of them came from (J & Collins' wedding, Mere over the years, ornament swaps from college..).
I love making these memories with the boys. I think that they love Christmas as much as I do. I hope that they'll remember this season as being marked by the smell of fresh cut Christmas trees (even if they're allergic...c'mon kids, get it together!), Christmas music filling every room of the house, apple cider in "special cups," dates with Gram (one of their great-grandmothers) to bake sugar cookies iced with homemade peppermint icing, picking out gifts for each other, and waiting eagerly to open the brown paper gifts under the tree.