Gratitude turns what we have into enough, and more.
It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity...
it makes sense of our past, brings peace for today,
and creates a vision for tomorrow.
|Melody Beattie|
Thanksgiving day is one of my very favorites of the entire year. Typically we wake up slowly & have a lazy morning until we gather at Mimi & Papa's for lunch. However, this year, Mike got up and ran his very first "Thanksgiving 30" ... he ran from TR to Simpsonville with just enough time to shower before sitting down at the table for turkey and all the fixin's. The boys played all afternoon in the yard and even took a dip in the hot tub (apparently we do this on Thanksgiving). (: We meandered to Fountain Inn for dinner with the McCraw clan like we always do. We had a spread of desserts fit for a king (who needs turkey when you can have apple strudel, pumpkin bars, strawberry cheesecake, or peanut butter pie? NOT me!)
We've much to be thankful for over this past year, as always, it seems. At the top of the list: 3 healthy little boys, being in our white house, and simply being together to enjoy it all.
Just like that we're on to Christmas! Let the festivities begin!