Mikey & I both decided that Halifax was one of our favorite places that we saw while in Nova Scotia. We actually stayed at Mount Saint Vincent University in a relatively nice dorm room because literally 12+ hotels were booked solid for the night when we arrived in town. We had a fantastic breakfast at The Old Apothecary Bakery & Cafe and enjoyed strolling along shipyard before we had to head further south to Yarmouth! I even scored 2 old prints of the Bluenose for the boy's bathroom.
We booked the CAT Ferry to take us (and our car) back to the US (Yarmouth, NS - Portland, ME). This ferry was another highlight of our trip! They played movies, had tons of space to walk around (a nice break from riding in the car all day), a little cafe and it took about 6.5 hours (which afforded us extra time with DP, Mere & May on the back end of our trip) as opposed to having to drive all the way back through Nova Scotia and New Brunswick to hit the US again!
Once in Portland we found Taco Escobarr and thought we were in heaven. As a matter of fact, after a week of nothing but burgers & fries, I'm positive that we were. We'd planned to see Maine on the back end of our Canada escapade, but the forecast was pretty gloomy for the foreseeable future, and our family was only about 2 hours away .... so after a quick jaunt around town, we hit the road and headed back to Boston. DP & Mere were gracious to us in for another long weekend on very little notice!
Having Mere & DP's house to crash was so nice. Most importantly, we got to catch up with them in their home, but we also got to squeeze in lots of fun things like: bowling, tennis (DP & Amos), ice cream in Concord, breaky at Helen's, a Moana movie night, and the boys even taught May how to climb on the furniture (haha). We're counting down until we get another full week with the Johnsen crew at the beach!