We woke up in NYC on Sunday & strolled around until we found Kirsh, a Jewish bakery, where we sampled their amazing home made pastries (we highly recommend the "bread basket") & decided on a course for the day. We knew we had limited time and since Mikey & I were just in the city in May, we wanted the boys to see Central Park & the Natural History Museum. Needless to say, they loved Central Park! Mosie & Solly especially loved rock climbing and throwing rocks into the reservoir. After melting for a few hours, we decided to take it to the Natural History Museum. Solomon & Ezra's favorite part was the African animal exhibit and Amos' favorite thing was the Blue Whale (it is pretty amazing)! After the museum, we had a (super) late lunch of pizza at Motorino, where our sweet friend Tori met us with treats! *Thank you!!*
From NYC we headed on to Hanscom AFB in Massachusetts where we got to stay with DP, Mere & May for the next couple of days. We loved seeing their home and getting to just be with them for a few days. On the 4th week went into Boston and stayed at the Constitution Inn right at the head of the Freedom Trail in the historic Charlestown Navy Yard. We walked about a mile or so on the Freedom Trail into town, scored (more) yummy pizza for lunch, found post cards at I Am Books (a super cute Italian book store) and got to go to the New England Aquarium. We even had time for a short play on the splash pad right near our inn before getting cleaned up for the fireworks show. We opted to watch the fireworks from a pier right near our inn (instead of trying to wrangle four monkeys in a ginormous crowd close to midnight) and while the view wasn't spectacular (read: there was a skyscraper blocking our view initially), I really enjoyed getting to see the show (and other fireworks from the pier) and being able to walk back to the inn and crawl right into bed afterwards.
We shared a breaky of donuts in our room with DP, Mere & May before they headed home to pack for a few days away with DP's family and we headed North. Before heading on to Lake Winnipesaukee, Mike, the boys & I walked back down to the water for a few pictures and to let the boys throw rocks in one more time. Boston is one of my favorite places and I'm so glad that I got to share it with my special people!
We shared a breaky of donuts in our room with DP, Mere & May before they headed home to pack for a few days away with DP's family and we headed North. Before heading on to Lake Winnipesaukee, Mike, the boys & I walked back down to the water for a few pictures and to let the boys throw rocks in one more time. Boston is one of my favorite places and I'm so glad that I got to share it with my special people!