We left town in the pouring rain almost a week ago, headed North. Mike and I have been planning a summer travel trip (road trip) into New England around the 4th for a while & were so excited to finally hit the road! Our first stop was Roanoke, VA - where Michaele & Marlene's crews live (some of Gram's family). Michaele was gracious enough to take our crew in for a yummy homemade Mexican dinner & Marlene & Papa Doug treated everyone to Italian Ice at Anna's place in Salem. It was such a treat to see these guys! We haven't seen them in almost 6 years (since the AT).
After Roanoke, we hopped on Skyline Drive and drove it the entire 100 miles through Shenandoah National Park on our way to Frederick, MD to see the Flynns (more of Gram's family). They also took us in for dinner & a back yard play date! Our boys loved playing with their boys...throwing the ball and catching fireflies was the perfect entertainment. (:
After stopping for dinner we hit the road again headed to NYC! Due to a little booking mistake on my part we had to boogie on to the big city...which made for a 10.5+ hour day in the car. The boys hung tough and Mikey got us in safely around 1:30AM. Next up, NYC & Boston!