my sweet mikey turned the big 3-0 this past weekend!! and celebrate, we did! we started birthday weekend off with lunch at home + gifts from me and the boys + sweet potato cake from brick street, mikey's favorite. we continued the celebration with dinner at mimi & papa's with melbug & the grandmothers, more cake and lots of goodies for mikey. saturday morning our best buds joined us for a waffle & mimosa breaky that turned into an afternoon of conversation and plans and exciting things to come. finally, mikey & i snuck away to columbia for dinner at Cola's (thanks for the recommendation, Sue!) and a surprise Amos Lee concert, thanks to Mere & DP (& May)!
mikey, you're my very best friend in the whole wide world. i love any excuse to celebrate you! you're brave and safe to me, you're such a hard worker, you interest me and make me feel special daily. you've pursued me now for 13 years and continue to tell me that i'm beautiful. you're my biggest fan and have helped me grow my photography gig from a hobby to a business. you're a freakin' amazing daddy & have three of the cutest shadows watching your every move. i'm excited about what this new year and new decade hold for us. all my love, always, my mikey! and, cheers to the next 30 years!