We celebrated our sweet & spunky Sollah-Roo with our friends & family at the "airport park" with Mickey & Minnie Mouse |cup|cakes, donuts, and lots of airplanes! I ordered Solomon a special Little Einsteins shirt with his name & age on it a few weeks ago and he wore it proudly all day. I gave it to him the day before his party and he so sweetly kept pulling it out to see the characters. My heart.
Solly Mack, at two you are so fun. Mama & daddy are loving watching you grow into the sweetest little boy. You still love Amos so very much & have fallen seamlessly into the roll of big brother over past six months. I've loved watching you fearlessly do everything that Amos does (I even watched you fly into the pool and sink to the bottom a few times this summer...thanks for keeping me on my toes) and kiss Ezra when he's fussy.
Dude, you talk all the time. In the past few (two?) months you've really become very articulate and it makes me super proud. You can count to twenty, have a handful of Spanish words, know all of your colors and love to sing "church music." Your favorite show right now is Little Einsteins, but Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is a close second. You're super athletic and love to be outside. You also are very good at playing by yourself (a change from Mooshka for sure). This summer was too fun with you...you loved "da beash" and swimming, playing with water balloons and going to the park. You love sleep dog more than anything! One of my favorite stories from our 2 week stent at the beach was driving from Edisto to Litchfield I gave you a piece of gum, which, you pretty immediately swallowed. You said, "I want more gum, mama!" To which I replied, "Solomon!!! If you just ate that gum you may not have another piece today..we'll try again tomorrow." Silence ... "Mama, sleep dog want gum." Hilarious. Very creative and witty, little guy!
Solomon, I love being your mama. You are such a joy. I love who you are and what you bring to our family. Keep growing big and strong. Know that you are loved and so, so special!