We spent the last weekend of October in the mountains with some of our best buds, the Davis'. The boys loved tromping around the woods & throwing rocks in the river for hours. They loved having friends to share cars with and I'm pretty sure between the brood of 5 boys we had every lovie animal there is. We loved catching up with Megan & BD over a back porch fire and the Clemson game. We also loved survived hiking with 5 kids under 4 and I remembered why I haven't tried to take all 3 of them by myself. #notenougharms
It's a really neat blessing to have kids that are the same age as one of your life long best buds. Mike and I are praying that our boys will share the same friendship and brotherhood that Mikey & BD have and that our families will continue to be entertwined as our stories are still being written. Maybe one day we'll be dropping two of those boys off at Clemson together, no doubt reminiscing over our college days and all that's happened in between. Until then though, we'll keep crashing Mrs. Patti's pool in the summer, throwing rocks in rivers together and praying over these little guys.
Amos (almost) 4 | Isaac (almost) 3 | Solomon 2 | Asher 1 | Ezra 7 mths