Our next school Mass will be on Friday, March 4th at 9am. All are welcome to join us. Please remember that no physical education uniforms should be worn to Mass.

Walk In Wednesdays began today! For the rest of March, every Wednesday from 9:30am to 11:30am, guests are invited take a look in our classrooms, meet our faculty and staff, and see all of the advantages a Catholic education has to offer. Please note that school is closed Wednesday, 3/16/16, for a faculty in-service. RSVP to Toni Chagnon at tchagnon@stmarysimsbury.eduk12.net or 860-658-9412 .
We have been advised that the application for the 2016-2017
St. Mary's School Trust Scholarships is now available.
Who can apply:
Any family whose children have completed a year's enrollment in kindergarten or above and will be enrolled in grades 1 through 8 at St. Mary's School during 2016-2017 is eligible to apply. There are no requirements regarding parish or religious affiliation.
Applications must be submitted no later than April 30, 2016. Click here for a helpful reference guide. Additional instructions are provided when you access the application link. The link for the scholarship application is:
If you have any questions regarding the application process for the St. Mary's School Trust scholarships or about other financial assistance that may be available, please contact the school office.

If you do not sign up for a conference, NO conference will be assigned for you. If a teacher feels a conference is needed and you have not signed up, the teacher will be in touch with you to schedule a time. Click here to sign up for conferences or use the Conference Sign Up tab that appears at the top of the blog. Thursday, March 10 and Friday, March 11 will be regular full days of school with both PreK Enrichment and Aftercare available.
Munson's Chocolates Fundraiser - A big thank you to all that participated in the 7th Grade Munson's Chocolates Fundraiser for Easter candy. This very successful fundraiser will help to support the 7th Grade field trip this year to Boston. Your orders will be available for pick-up during March conferences.
It's almost time for 2016-17 Enrollment Packets! This year, your Family Enrollment Packet will be emailed to you at the email address you have provided to us as your family's primary email. If you wish to verify the email address that will be used, please contact the school office at smsoffice@stmarysimsbury.eduk12.net.
You should expect your electronic Enrollment Packet to arrive in your email inbox between March 9 and 11. All forms should then be downloaded and printed for completion and return. Families that bring their completed Family Enrollment Form and fee to "Moving Up Knight" on March 14th will have a chance to be awarded a "paid" Family Enrollment Fee. Two lucky families will be told that their Family Enrollment Fee has already been "paid" (your check will be returned to you with a smile).
"Moving Up Knight" Is Fast Approaching! Please join us on Monday, March 14th at 6:30pm. It's an important evening of grand unveilings & special opportunities!
In April 2018, our school will be visited by an NEASC (New England Association of Schools and Colleges) Accreditation Team. We have already begun preparing for the reaccreditation process by reviewing, revising and rewriting our school's Mission Statement. All vested constituencies: Father Matera, our school board, faculty and staff, students, and parent representatives from each grade level were involved in this process. Our new Mission Statement evolved via a collaborative process designed to foster consensus through discernment and deliberation. Our upcoming strategic plan will be aligned with our new Mission Statement.
We are proud to announce that on Monday, March 14, 2016 at "Moving Up Knight" we will be unveiling our new Mission Statement, and also a new student pledge, school logo, and retooled website! Please join us for a "spirited" evening as we "charge" in to looking at the school year ahead! #uKNIGHTed
Bring your completed Family Enrollment Form and Fee to "Moving Up Knight" and you may win a "paid" Family Enrollment Fee.
March Service Project - Our March service project for House of Bread will be coordinated by Grade 6. They will be collecting boxes of pasta. Donations will be collected through the end of March. The House of Bread uses 60 pounds of pasta for every meal.
Athletics -
As our regular season schedule and tournament comes to a close we want to congratulate our fearless SMS Blue Knights on a high energy, exciting basketball season. Whether under siege or leading the charge, our players demonstrated outstanding athleticism and sportsmanship.

JVA Boys and Girls & Varsity Boys and Girls all competed in the League Championships, JVA Boys going all the way to the semi finals and the Varsity Girls winning the League Championship! All five teams have now earned a place in the State Playoffs, starting this weekend on March 5th & 6th. Please come out and show your SMS spirit! Schedule is as follows:
Saturday, 3-5-16
JVA GIRLS: Hartford 3 & 4 (Teams 1 & 2)
@ St. John's, Watertown,CT-
Hartford 3: 10:15 am
Hartford 4: 7:00 pm
Address: 760 Main St., Watertown, CT 06795
VARSITY BOYS: Hartford 4
@ Sacred Heart High School, Waterbury,CT- 1:00 pm
Address:142 S Elm St, Waterbury, CT 06706
Sunday, 3-6-16
JVA BOYS: Hartford 2
@ St. John's, Watertown,CT- 2:45 pm
Address:760 Main St., Watertown, CT 06795
@ Sacred Heart Academy, Hamden, CT- 1:45 pm
Address: 265 Benham St, Hamden, CT 06514
As our regular season schedule and tournament comes to a close we want to congratulate our fearless SMS Blue Knights on a high energy, exciting basketball season. Whether under siege or leading the charge, our players demonstrated outstanding athleticism and sportsmanship.

JVA Boys and Girls & Varsity Boys and Girls all competed in the League Championships, JVA Boys going all the way to the semi finals and the Varsity Girls winning the League Championship! All five teams have now earned a place in the State Playoffs, starting this weekend on March 5th & 6th. Please come out and show your SMS spirit! Schedule is as follows:
Saturday, 3-5-16
JVA GIRLS: Hartford 3 & 4 (Teams 1 & 2)
@ St. John's, Watertown,CT-
Hartford 3: 10:15 am
Hartford 4: 7:00 pm
Address: 760 Main St., Watertown, CT 06795
VARSITY BOYS: Hartford 4
@ Sacred Heart High School, Waterbury,CT- 1:00 pm
Address:142 S Elm St, Waterbury, CT 06706
Sunday, 3-6-16
JVA BOYS: Hartford 2
@ St. John's, Watertown,CT- 2:45 pm
Address:760 Main St., Watertown, CT 06795
@ Sacred Heart Academy, Hamden, CT- 1:45 pm
Address: 265 Benham St, Hamden, CT 06514
Legislative Action Alert - The Connecticut Federation of Catholic School Parents has merged with the Connecticut Catholic Conference. The new office of Associate Director for Education of the Connecticut Catholic Public Affairs Conference has taken on the mission of the Federation, solely dedicated to the advancement and empowerment of Catholic school communities at the state and local government levels. There are two very important bills that the Conference has drafted and brought to the attention of the state legislature that will support the livelihood of Catholic schools in Connecticut:
1) S.B. No. 318: An inter-district transportation bill for k-8 nonpublic schools
2) A tax-credit bill for donations to scholarship funds (This bill has been raised as a concept and is pending publication).
Senate Bill No. 318 will be the first item on the Education Committee’s Public Hearing on Wednesday, March 2, 2016 in Room 2C of the Legislative Office Building. Sign-up for oral testimony at the hearing begins at 8:00 AM in the First Floor Atrium of the Legislative Office Building, and the hearing will begin at 10:30 AM. Your written testimony in a form of a letter will demonstrate your commitment to your school and Catholic education across the state. Click here for a sample letter.
Simsbury Public Library is hosting events for Tweens & Teens in March -
Alumni News - Our congratulations to Kelsey Baker, SMS Class of '10, on achieving the Dean's List at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.