*disclaimer: written a couple of days before BM3 aka Ezra was born*

Sweet Solly Sol! You are my littlest bud (even if only for a few more days). This photo says it all. You RUN everywhere, you're almost always clothed in big brothers hand me downs, and you're never ever far from his side. You love to be outside (all the hallelujahs from mama for it finally being warm enough to be outside with you two!), chase bubbles (and try to blow them yourself) & bees, and throw the ball. You've started to communicate pretty well - your current favorite thing to say is "uh-uh" while shaking your head no to anything and everything you're asked...even if you mean "yes." We are working on "yes" though. Unlike Amos, you still take a nap at this age & have even recently asked for "sleep" or to go "night night." Keep it up, kiddo. You do a great job snuggling your sleepy dog and putting yourself to sleep too. And (unlike Amos) you're an early riser. Most mornings you're our alarm clock - you and daddy hang out for a short bit before Mama & Moose get up.
I cannot wait to see you as a big brother to BM3. You currently like to ride on top of the baby bump & point to my belly button & say "baby." When asked where your baby is you proudly pull up your shirt & give the sweetest grin as you point to your belly. I can't wait to see a baby look up to you like you look up to Amos. Our prayer is that the three of you (and any other Martin babies) will be best buds like you and Amos!
You're still a fabulous eater - even though you're a super dinky kiddo. At your last appointment you were only in the 8th percentile for weight! I tell everyone that you eat like a McCraw with the Martin metabolism. I love squeezing that dinky little body in a bear hug! There's not much that you don't eat - except sweet potatoes, apples with skin and some tougher meats (still waiting on those teeth to come in---you only have 7 right now).
You love: Little Einsteins ("ein-teins"), Curious George ("monk monk") and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ("minnie"), to read the Dinosaur book ("dine-saur"), chicken nuggets & fries, baths, dumping copious amounts of water on to the floor (sorry daddy-o) and brushing your teeth, you prefer apple juice over anything else and definitely do not like milk of any kind. You do not like: being told "no," being still for very long, or being cooped up in the house.
You're also a HUGE mama's boy (: (be still my heart). It's a (partial) joke around here that you're going to be the one who takes care of me when I'm old and gray one day. If that's the case, I know I'll be in good hands.
Littlest boy, I love you to the big silver moon and back. I'm loving watching you grow and develop into such a sweet, brave (crazy?) little boy! You're a blast. You and big brother are constantly teaching me, keeping me on my toes and pointing me to Jesus. Keep growing big and strong dude!
I cannot wait to see you as a big brother to BM3. You currently like to ride on top of the baby bump & point to my belly button & say "baby." When asked where your baby is you proudly pull up your shirt & give the sweetest grin as you point to your belly. I can't wait to see a baby look up to you like you look up to Amos. Our prayer is that the three of you (and any other Martin babies) will be best buds like you and Amos!
You're still a fabulous eater - even though you're a super dinky kiddo. At your last appointment you were only in the 8th percentile for weight! I tell everyone that you eat like a McCraw with the Martin metabolism. I love squeezing that dinky little body in a bear hug! There's not much that you don't eat - except sweet potatoes, apples with skin and some tougher meats (still waiting on those teeth to come in---you only have 7 right now).
You love: Little Einsteins ("ein-teins"), Curious George ("monk monk") and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ("minnie"), to read the Dinosaur book ("dine-saur"), chicken nuggets & fries, baths, dumping copious amounts of water on to the floor (sorry daddy-o) and brushing your teeth, you prefer apple juice over anything else and definitely do not like milk of any kind. You do not like: being told "no," being still for very long, or being cooped up in the house.
You're also a HUGE mama's boy (: (be still my heart). It's a (partial) joke around here that you're going to be the one who takes care of me when I'm old and gray one day. If that's the case, I know I'll be in good hands.
Littlest boy, I love you to the big silver moon and back. I'm loving watching you grow and develop into such a sweet, brave (crazy?) little boy! You're a blast. You and big brother are constantly teaching me, keeping me on my toes and pointing me to Jesus. Keep growing big and strong dude!