reading: Ephesians // (still) All the Light We Cannot See (Mike's something to read from last year)
watching: Downton Abbey & Parenthood
trying: to get back into the routine of meal planning
cooking: (this week) ranch turkey burgers, coconut crusted chicken fingers & (leftover) lentil soup
eating: frozen York Peppermint Patties (or "big mints" as Amos calls them)
drinking: coke zero with fresh squeezed lime
calling: no one (:
texting: Haley
pinning: recipes & stuff for the white house
tweeting: I don't do twitter..
crafting: Rust & Stardust ideas
doing: making plans for Mikey's 29th birthday
going: to Charleston for the weekend with "unca Will" & T (: CANNOT WAIT
loving: that my (birthday) orchids from 3+ years ago are simultaneously blooming
hating: that I've been so slack with my camera lately
discovering: that we live on a very, very busy street
enjoying: the "new temporary house" and how close it is to Mikey's work (oh, and the white house)
hoping (for): this warmer weather to stick around
smelling: Mrs. Meyers lavender candle ... my very favorite
thanking: mikey for planning a (third) baby-moon
considering: going to bed
finishing: thank you notes for a sweet surprise shower I was given
starting: to count down the days until BM3 is here (36 days 'til our due date!)
