


reading: Southern Living

playing: Sister Hazel (on pandora) 

watching:  John Adams 

trying: to cook every night / eat in 

cooking: [crockpot] bbq chicken, corn on the cob, brussels .. 

eating: tortilla chips + homemade guac 

drinking: coffee, ginger ale & coke zero + lime 


calling: the Greenville Midwifery center 

texting:  haley, amber & ashton // amber & alexa 

pinning:  house things / recipes ... not pinning much these days tho

planning: lake weekends, baby showers, late spring trips (NYC!), girls weekend 


crafting: Easter eggs

doing: photo shoots 

going:  (summer) dress shopping soon

loving:  this weather

hating:  being nauseous almost every night (instead of morning sickness, i experience "nighttime nausea") 

(re)discovering: that you make time for what's important 

enjoying: having my mike home all day almost every day 

hoping:  to be more intentional with our friends

celebrating: baby Hattie & baby Charlotte // Easter 


smelling:  April rain 

thanking: mikey for all of the hard work he's put in at the white house lately 

considering:  eating all of the Easter candy #sendhelp 

finishing: outside work at the white house -- the shed & chicken coop 

starting:  to lay out art / photos to hang on the walls (finally) 

