Robotics Club will NOT meet on Thursday, 11/12,
due to the early dismissal.
Thinking ahead to a new year school year - Applications for the 2016-17 PreKindergarten and Kindergarten for siblings not currently enrolled at SMS are now being accepted! If your child has a younger brother or sister that would like to join us for PreKindergarten or Kindergarten next year, now is the time to apply! Please note - students currently enrolled in our PreKindergarten program DO NOT have to reapply for Kindergarten. PreKindergarten students that are chronologically eligible (i.e., will be 5 before 12/31/16) will automatically be promoted to our Kindergarten for 2016. Questions about readiness? Please contact Toni Chagnon, 860-658-9412 or tchagnon@stmarysimsbury.
#Knightly News is here! Follow The Scoop@SMS_Knights for breaking school news and up to the minute basketball schedules,scores and highlights!
GET YOUR SMS SPIRIT ON! We are pleased to offer a NEW Spirit Wear Shop! Orders are now being accepted to be delivered in time for Christmas.
Any questions please call or email Toni Chagnon at 860-658-9412 or tchagnon@stmarysimsbury. eduk12.net. Click here for more information and to download an order form.
The Senior Thanksgiving Luncheon will be held next Wednesday, 11/18! Each year, over 200 area senior citizens enjoy a delicious Thanksgiving luncheon served by our 8th grade students and parent volunteers. This event relies on the participation of our whole school community to make it a success - many food donations are needed and we appreciate the help of many volunteers with food preparation, setup, serving and clean up.
Your donations & volunteer time are still needed! There is a Sign Up Genius link for each homeroom class for food donations needed and also one to sign up to volunteer. Please take a moment to see what is needed in your child(ren)'s grade(s) - we are still looking for a donations from a number of classes and extra helping hands are always needed and welcomed! Click here for these Sign Up Genius links.
Please be sure to send in your donations by the due date listed for the item(s). The due dates allow time to purchase supplies if adequate donations are not received. There are three due dates: Friday, November 13th; Monday, November 16th and Wednesday, November 18th NLT 9AM. Each item has it's due date listed on the sign up genius.
If you are able to help with setup, serving and/or cleanup, please note that a separate volunteer sign up will also be sent out to all classes and will be posted on the website.
Fifth Grade Service Project - Collection of new socks for the House of Bread
Students in Mrs. Gore's fifth grade class are collecting NEW socks for the House of Bread. New, adult and youth socks are being collected until Monday, November 30th.
Thanks in advance for your support!
Grade 8 Fundraising - It's time for the Poinsettia Sale! Again this year, our 8th grade will be selling beautiful poinsettias perfect for holiday decorating or as gifts. All orders and payments are due NLT Wednesday, November 18th. Poinsettias will be available for pick up on Friday, December 4th from 2-4 in the Parish Center and after Masses on Saturday, December 5th and Sunday, December 6th. Click here for an order form.
CHOICE News - For a limited time, we have $25 Gap/Old Navy cards stocked in the box for sale at 7% profit.
Ski & Snowboard Club Update 11-11-15: The Ski and Snowboard Club has gotten sufficient participants to do the planned activities at Ski Sundown. The group will be skiing or snowboarding five consecutive Wednesday afternoons starting January 6 and lessons will be available.
However, bus transportation will not be available.
Please contact group leader Jim Shanley if you have any questions or would like to late register. He can be reached at 239-989-6206 or jhs01@charter.net.
Annual Turkey Trot Non-Perishable Food Collection - Help SMS fill the truck! - Again this year, our school will be collecting non-perishable food items to benefit the Turkey Trot food drive. Donations may be sent in until Thursday, 11/12. Please be sure all donations are clearly marked "Turkey Trot" so they do not get confused with Senior Luncheon donations. Please see information below if you would also like to contribute a monetary gift or turkey to the Turkey Trot.
Northwest Catholic Invites You to Anne of Green Gables - Performances are this weekend and will feature SMS Alumnas Lauren Mangine as Anne Shirley and Avery Hatch as Rachel Lynde, both SMS Class of '12. Click here for more information and to reserve tickets.
