These boys - my heart.
Mikey, I know it can't last forever (or can it?), but I sure have enjoyed having you home over the past few weeks. You're good to me, to us. You love us well and I know that we'll look back on our "early retirement" with a smile.
Mosie Mo, four and half is tough. You're stretching us and challenging us daily. You're smart...so smart. We've loved learning about the things you're interested in (currently, volcanoes) and are so enjoying seeing your little mind grow. You're fun and interesting. You love the kid fit class at the gym and are the coolest ninja warrior we know. You're a daddy's boy, through and through and would probably attach yourself to his hip if you could.
Solly Mack, 2.5 is my favorite age on you! You're kind and sweet. You are the loviest boy we have, by far. You tell me and daddy all the time (unprompted) that you love us. You're considerate in ways that I never would've thought a two year old would be. You're such a sweet middle brother - you love and look up to Amos and you're the best big brother to Ez. Y'alls relationship is one of my favorite things in the world right now.
Ez-a-roo, you happy, happy boy! You are strong and rough, but also the snuggliest boy I've got. You have a ton of words, can climb up and down our entire staircase (17 stairs) unassisted (we're right with you, but you do it alone), are pulling up & cruising, and sleep through the night. We love who you are and how you fit perfectly as the 3rd brother.