Great results for a Great Cause - This year, SMS raised $5,762 for Jump Rope for Heart! Our congratulations to Ava Canning, Grade 1 for raising $325 for Jump Rope for Heart this year. Every single contribution to this great cause is important and we appreciate the efforts of every single participant but extra kudos to Ava for this amazing effort!
Our next school Mass will be the Feast of the Ascension on Thursday, May 29th. We will worship with our Parish family at the 12:15 Mass. Everyone is welcome to join us. Please remember that no physical education uniforms should be worn to Mass. Please note that there will NOT be a school Mass on Friday, May16th. This is a change to our school calendar.
Please join us in welcoming Ms. Brittany Soucy to our staff. We are pleased to share that Ms. Soucy has been hired as our long-term substitute in fourth grade. Ms. Soucy has worked in both public and magnet school settings and is excited to bring her experience and enthusiasm to our fourth grade. We are confident that she will provide our grade 4 students with a challenging, joy filled, productive last quarter. This week, Ms. Soucy will get acquainted with her new class in company with our current substitute teachers, Mrs. Mortillaro, Mrs. Mead and classroom assistant, Mrs. Hughes. Her first official day as our fourth grade teacher will be Monday, April 28th. Ms. Soucy may be reached via email at She is excited to begin her assignment here at SMS and has her Teacher's Blog almost ready for launch. A quick link will be provided once the blog has been published. Our thanks to Mrs. Mortillaro, Mrs. McNally and Mrs. Mead for all their help as substitute teachers during the last few weeks. We would also like to extend special thanks to Mrs. Hughes for her invaluable assistance keeping important classroom routines running smoothly.
We are excited to share that today was the first day our new portable classrooms were used by students. Fourth grade was the first class to use our new library. In other facility related news, installation of the air conditioning in the Middle School classrooms is still pending but expected to begin shortly so that work is accomplished before summer heat arrives. Installation of the new security gate at the entrance of the north (playground) parking lot is still pending as well. We will advise when an installation date has been scheduled.
Used Uniform Exchange - Just in time for our transition to the relaxed uniform, an updated Used Uniform Spreadsheet is available. Click here.
Relaxed Uniform Reminders - Please keep in mind that while the Relaxed Uniform is more casual, a belt is required with walking shorts or slacks. Additionally, school shoes, not sneakers, must be worn with the relaxed uniform.
IOWA testing begins Monday, 4/28 and continues through Monday, 5/5 for students in Grades 3 -7. Tuesday, 5/6 and Wednesday, 5/7 are reserved for "make-ups" due to illness. While these tests are one important indicator of a student's academic progress, we do strongly encourage you to help your child(ren) approach these tests with a positive outlook of relaxed confidence. Unlike many regular assessments, these tests cannot be "studied" for and the best preparation for them is a good night's rest and a healthy breakfast. Students that may feel anxious should be reminded that these tests are just one measure of progress. Please also keep in mind that it is very important for students to arrive at school PROMPTLY by 8:40AM on IOWA testing days. Late arrivals will not be permitted into a classroom if the testing has begun until there is a break. Additionally, we ask that you try to avoid scheduling doctor and dentist visits during the testing period. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

Grandparents' & Special Person's Day & May Crowning will be held on Friday, May 9th. Guests are invited to worship at the 8am Parish Mass if desired and come across to the school by 8:40 to join us for community prayer and refreshments in the Parish Center. After some student entertainment, guests will be welcome to visit in classrooms with their favorite students from 9:15 to 10:15. At 10:15, all guests are invited to join us in the Church for our annual May Crowning prayer service. The May Crowning will conclude our day's special activities at about 11am. We hope many grandparents and special people can join us - no RSVP required!

Calling all golfers! Please join us on Thursday, May 29th at Hop Meadow Country Club for a day of golf, fellowship and fun. The cost of $175 includes lunch, a golf shirt, happy hour and dinner. You are welcome to register a foursome or an individual and we will be happy to pair you up with another golfer. Please click here to download a registration form or click here to visit the Golf Tournament website.
We are also looking for sponsorships. Sponsorships start at tee signs for $100 to lunch sponsors at $1,000 to golf cart sponsors at $2,000. Show your support for St. Mary's School and catholic education by sponsoring this year's tournament. Click here for Sponsorship form.
CHOICE Program Update - The 2013-14 CHOICE Program will end on Wednesday, April 30th. Any purchases of CHOICE cards made until this date will be applied to this year's mandatory CHOICE contribution. CHOICE statements highlighting whether your family has met its CHOICE obligation or has a balance due were sent out earlier this month. If a balance remains after 4/30/14, you will receive a written statement letting you know the amount due to complete your obligation. Purchases of CHOICE cards made after 4/30/14, will be applied to the the CHOICE obligation for the 2014-15 school year.
New CHOICE Vendor - We are pleased to share that $25 certificates to Maple Tree Café/Attilio's are now available for purchase at a 5% profit rate.

Information will be available on the parish website and via quick link in this blog in the coming weeks. Registration begins in early May. If you are interested in helping or have questions, email Kerri Work at

In Latin I, Brett Baker, Class of ’13, and Allyson Voelker, Class of ’13 earned summa cum laude status. Gabriela Doskos, Class of ’13, and Christopher Poniatowski, Class of ’13 earned maxima cum laude status.
In Latin II, Avery Hatch, Class of ’12 and Abby Herron, Class of ’12 earned magna cum laude status.
In Latin III-IV, David Kalamarides, Class of '11 earned maxima cum laude status.
Tyler D., grade 4, is officially one of 4 poster children as the face of the Jimmy Fund Brain Tumor Clinic. At this time, 2 events are underway to help raise funds for important brain cancer research
The first is the Stop and Shop Triple Winner game. Stop & Shop customers may purchase a scratch tickets ($1.00 Each) at check out. These tickets will always be a winner for the purchaser in that they will either give a valuable coupon, or as much as $5,000.00. ALL of these proceeds go to benefit Dana Farber, Stop and Shop Brain Tumor Clinic.
The second is our annual Geared up for Kids Ride 2014, which raises money for children affected with Brain Tumors in support of the PLGA Foundation. The funds raised are specifically targeted to directly affect and further groundbreaking research and clinical trials to find cures for affected children. Riders, Volunteers, and donors are all needed for this event. Click here to join "Team Tyler". All of the ride information is available at this link as well. This site makes donations, and sign ups a breeze. However, should you wish to donate via a check please make your check payable to the PLGA Foundation. Check donations may be sent to the Dalene family via kidmail so that the Dalenes may bring them to the event , or they can be mailed in support of “Team Tyler” to the foundation mailing address:
A Kids' Brain Tumor Cure Foundation
98 Random Farms Drive, Chappaqua, NY 10514
Phone: 914-762-3494
The first is the Stop and Shop Triple Winner game. Stop & Shop customers may purchase a scratch tickets ($1.00 Each) at check out. These tickets will always be a winner for the purchaser in that they will either give a valuable coupon, or as much as $5,000.00. ALL of these proceeds go to benefit Dana Farber, Stop and Shop Brain Tumor Clinic.

A Kids' Brain Tumor Cure Foundation
98 Random Farms Drive, Chappaqua, NY 10514
Phone: 914-762-3494