Last week we celebrated our EIGHTH anniversary, like we always do, with dinner at Stella's just the two of us. It's hard to believe that we've been married now for the better part of a decade (and together for a good bit longer than that)! We've had a year of rest, a year of travel, a year of being together. I'm excited for what's next for us, but this year is something I will forever treasure in my heart.
Mikey, you're such a stud. I love doing this life alongside you. Thank you for making me feel like a queen...for constantly telling me (and showing me) how special and beautiful I am to you. I couldn't have known eight years ago what our promises would hold, but I am so thankful to still be fighting for each other and to be honoring those promises together. Thank you for choosing me as your bride that day and every day since. All my love, always!
Keep me safe mister & I'll keep you wild. I promise.