For Solly's third birthday we had day of "birthday maximization" as we like to call it 'round here. We started the day with presents: a new glider bike (something you want), a super cool helmet (something you need), the Postman Pat story time book (something to read) & 2 pairs of Toms (new to us / something to wear) + the sweetest gift from Amos, a Paw Patrol figurine set that he thought up all on his own. Immediately after opening gifts, we headed to the Donut Experiment where Solly's donut of choice included pink icing + rainbow sprinkles. Next up, we ventured over to the airport park (our favorite) for a couple of hours so Solly could try out his new glider bike. After lunch at home + a nap for Ez we loaded up and headed to Gravitopia (thanks Groupon!!) ... where we had the place almost to ourselves for an entire hour of jumping, flipping (Solly got the hang of a front flip in the air!), Ninja-Warrior-course-completing fun. And, to top it all off, birthday maximization ended with pizza at MellowMushroom. Oh yea! I almost forgot ... one of my favorite things has been ordering special shirts for the boys on their birthdays! Solly is super indecisive at this age, but we landed on a Moana shirt with Maui (thank you Etsy!).
Solly Mack Martin, you're so fun. I've loved watching you over this past year fully take on the roll of big brother while fully embracing the roll of little brother. You're such a middle child - you know how to push buttons without actually doing anything (something Mama will never understand, but Daddy gets perfectly). You love Amos and think he hung the moon and you take such good care of Ez, always including him in whatever you're doing (you two have the sweetest bond).
You (still) love Little Einsteins and Moana. You're super smart & sometimes surprise me with Spanish phrases / counting. You loved the beach this summer and I'm confident will be swimming by next summer. You like to play with Play Dough, water balloons and side walk chalk. You still love sleep dog (more than anything). You're still hilarious and super witty, always making us laugh. And, recently, you've developed quite the sassy attitude (helllooo threeeeee).
Little buddy of mine, you are such a joy. I love being your mama and watching you grow. You're so fun and smart and funny - I hope you know how much each of us loves you! Happiest third birthday to YOU!