reading: A Woman's Words (a Grace study)
playing: Ray Lamontagne (on Pandora)
trying: to get things in order for fall art shows & photo shoots!
cooking: stir fry / pesto chicken with gouda ... waiting for it to cool off a bit, but i'm pumped to try this recipe
eating: dark covered chocolate covered almonds (thanks Trader Joe's)
drinking: coke zero & lots of water
calling: Haley
texting: amber & alexa ... all.the.girls.trip.things!!!
pinning: mostly photography ideas
planning: Amos' fifth birthday (!)
crafting: nothing currently
doing: packing for our girls trip & running last minute errands
going: to Kansas City, MO for our 5th annual girls trip (TOMORROW!)
loving: that we're getting so close to meeting BabyM4
hating: that our house has been sick for almost a month now
discovering: that i'm going to need a job just to feed our boys here soon (taking donations haha!)
enjoying: sweet, sweet time in the morning with just Sollah-Roo & Ez while Amos is at preschool
hoping: that BabyM4 can hold out until after my Christmas card sessions are done (:
celebrating: when our kids stay in their beds all night
smelling: cowboy cookies .. that ended up more like a cowboy cookie cake (?)
thanking: Mikey (& Mimi & Papa) for keeping the boys this weekend so I can go on our girls trip
considering: life as a family of S I X
finishing: editing pictures from church from a couple of weeks ago
starting: my 4th load of laundry for the day #sendhelp