livin' in a boys world

livin' in a boys world

It's their world. I just live in it (: (and I'm totally OK with that).










Their world is loud. It's dirty and dirt-filled. It's stinky (yes, even at almost 3.5 & 1.5 (and most certainly at 29)). We climb on things and jump off of them - sometimes head first. We climb trees, wood piles and dirt mounds and then slide down them. We throw rocks and sticks into any size puddle we can find. We burp-burp & toot toot and laugh about it (sorry future girlfriends & daughters-in-law). We travel in a pack of 2, now 3. We follow daddy around like little shadows and need his rough housing & time spent daily. We're full of energy and go non-stop almost 100% of the time. This mama wouldn't have it any other way.

I'll be's crazy around here most days. We know that we're #raisingfuturemen and that our time with them is limited - so we're trying our darnedest to train them up now (Prov. 22:6). It's exhausting, but we get tiny glimpses every day of our efforts paying off. We're working on manners (does "excuse me" after a burp-burp or toot toot count?), being polite and kind & helping one another (instead of hurting each other). We want a balance of these things with being wild and free. We want them to explore and to figure things out on their own, to get dirty every chance they get and to see the world as one big play ground & adventure (c'mon, mama's part gypsy (: ).

More than anything we want these boys to know Jesus. It's tough work shaping and molding little hearts, but so worth it. Our hope is that these boys (& all future Martin kiddos) would be world changers for His kingdom - that they would have willing and obedient hearts and that we would be okay with however and whatever that looks like for each of them. Amos, Solomon & Ezra (#martinbandofbrothers) you all are a joy and a delight to raise. I love that I get to be the one blowing bubbles with you and making puddles on the front porch at 10AM. That I get to be the one to kiss boo-boos and change your dirty diapers ( Seriously, though. It makes my heart happy to snuggle in between you with Ezra in arms on the couch in the morning for cartoons. It is a joy to watch you wait for daddy, then to see you cling to him like you do in the evenings and on the weekends - wanting to be just like him. Yes little ones, I want you to be just like him too. Thank you boys for reminding me daily that it's better than OK to be dirty and to find wonder in the small things. For constantly pointing me to Jesus for grace (and patience, mercy, love, sanity, etc.) and the reminder that I too am in need. I am thankful to be your mama! All my love, always! 

News for the Week of 3/30/16

Our April school Mass will be held on Friday, April 8th at 9am in the church.  NOTE - This is a change to our original school calendar.  Mass was originally scheduled for April 1st.  Please remember that NO physical education uniforms should be worn to Mass. 

April Calendar Reminders  -As we look ahead to April, please keep the following in mind:

*  Third Quarter Marking Period ends on 4/1/16.  
     Report cards will be sent home on Friday, 4/8/16.

*  School is closed for Spring Vacation from Monday, 4/11/16 - Friday, 4/15/16.

*  Relaxed Uniform begins on Monday, 4/18/15.  

Used Uniform Exchange - Just in time for the transition to our relaxed uniform, an updated Used Uniform Inventory is available.  Click here.

2016-17 Enrollment Packets have been emailed to all families. Family Enrollment forms & fees are due NLT April 4, 2016. If you did not receive your Family Enrollment Packet via email or if you have questions regarding enrollment, please contact the school office. 

The application for the 2016-2017 St. Mary's School Trust Scholarships is now available.


Who can apply:

Any family whose children have completed a year's enrollment in kindergarten or above and will be enrolled in grades 1 through 8 at St. Mary's School during 2016-2017 is eligible to apply. There are no requirements regarding parish or religious affiliation.

Applications must be submitted no later than April 30, 2016. Click here for a  helpful reference guide. Additional instructions are provided when you access the application link. The link for the scholarship application is:

If you have any questions regarding the application process for the St. Mary's School Trust scholarships or about other financial assistance that may be available, please contact the school office.

Additional Tuition Assistance  - Again this year, tuition assistance will be available from funds provided by the Archbishop's Annual Appeal (AAA), the Catholic Schools' Support Program (CSSP) and our school's budget.  These funds are distinct from the scholarships that are available from the St. Mary's Trust.  The application period for the Trust Scholarships is also open now.  Application details for the Trust Scholarships appear above.

To apply for tuition assistance from the Archbishop's Annual Appeal, CSSP and the school budget this year, your application must be submitted via SMARTAID.  SMARTAID is a confidential service provided by SMART, LLC that helps schools to assess a family's need for financial assistance based on the information provided to SMARTAID by the family.  St. Mary's School, with the guidance and advice of our pastor, Father Matera, will continue to be solely responsible for all tuition assistance decisions and the school will notify all applicants of any tuition assistance awards.

The application deadline for tuition assistance requests is May 15, 2016.  There is a $35 fee to apply via SMARTAID.  If this fee presents a hardship for your family, please contact Mrs. Gannatti.

Click here for a set of helpful guidelines for completing your SMARTAID application.  To access the SMARTAID application, click here.

April Service Project - During the month of April, our third grade class will be coordinating the collection of packages of paper napkins to be used at the House of Bread.  The goal is to collect 1,000 packages of napkins!  Thanks in advance for your support!

It's time to order your SMS Yearbook!  The 
SMS Yearbook is a great way to remember a fabulous school year.  Every student is pictured and every special event is captured and captioned. All yearbooks must be preordered and all orders are due NLT April 1, 2016.   Click here for a downloadable order form that can be sent to the school office with payment or click here to order online.  Our Yearbook ID Code is 9415316. 

Spring Scholastic Book Fair is Coming Soon! April 4th to April 8th is our Spring BOGO Book Fair! Stock up on summer reading essentials and check out newly released favorites! If you would like to volunteer to work a shift at the fair, please contact Jodie Burhoe -

Spring has Sprung! Time to mark your calendar, our annual "Fairway to Heaven" Golf Tournament is fast approaching.  The Tournament is scheduled for Tuesday, May 24th at the Hop Meadow Country Club in Simsbury. 

Exciting new addition this year, Morning Tennis Round Robin Mixer! Stay tuned for more information... 

Simsbury Public Library is hosting events for Teens & Tweens -

celebrate | birthday love | Mikey's 29th

celebrate | birthday love | Mikey's 29th

celebration [from March 4] of Mikey's 29th birthday






Scenes from Mikey's b-day dinner (celebrated a week early) at Mimi & Papa's house. 

We celebrated Mikey's 29th birthday early with a dinner at Mimi & Papa's house of chicken and waffles (birthday boy's request), homemade mac & cheese, broccoli & kale salad and Mimi's homemade poundcake! Mikey was super excited about having both of his sisters in town for his b-day this year (missed you DP!) -- it's been a long time since that's happened! 

I always love a good birthday celebration...even more so when it's for my special people. Mikey, enjoy your last year in your 20's! All my love, always -- your mc mc -- xoxo. 

celebrate | Brock & Meghan's wedding!

celebrate | Brock & Meghan's wedding!












IMG_5133 (1)

We celebrated Brock & Meghan getting married (just two short days before Ezra decided to make his appearance)! Mike and I love an excuse to dress up, eat good food and hang out with friends (sans kiddos) until the wee hours of the morning. 

Brock & Meghan, we look forward to continuing to walk through life with you two! We love you both! 

celebrate | showering BM3

celebrate | showering BM3

Showering BM3
[from] March 6, 2016






Haley, Amber, Tammy & Ashton threw BM3 a shower BEFORE he was born...these girls are always so sweet to take care of us whenever we have a Martin baby on board. It's been such a sweet season of life to be having babies with my sister & cousins (who were like 2 extra sisters growing up). 

The spread was delicious & I love that they decorated with Easter eggs & Easter treats with his due date being so close to Easter! BM3 was set up with lots of diapers, wipes & outfits! I'm so thankful for everyone's generosity in loving on us as we've welcomed Ezra. Diapers, wipes, clothes, outfits, texts, calls, prayers - nothing has gone unnoticed! 

News for the Week of 3/23/16

Holy Thursday, 3/24, will be a 12:45pm Early Dismissal. There will be NO PreK Enrichment or Aftercare.  There will be NO band or instrumental music lessons on Thursday.
School is CLOSED on Good Friday, 3/25.  
School is also CLOSED on Easter Monday, 3/28/16. 
Our one snow day will be made up on June 9th, 2016.

Again this year, our 8th grade will present the Living Stations of the Cross for our student body.  Students will attend the Living Stations on Holy Thursday, 3/24, at 9:30am in the Church.  All are welcome to join us.  

Our April school Mass will be held on Friday, April 8th at 9am in the church.  NOTE - This is a change to our original school calendar.  Mass was originally scheduled for April 1st.  Please remember that NO physical education uniforms should be worn to Mass.

Our Final Walk-in Wednesday will take place on 3/30, from 9:30am to 11:30am,  guests are invited take a look in our classrooms, meet our faculty and staff, and see all of the advantages a Catholic education has to offer.  RSVP to Toni Chagnon at or 860-658-9412 

In April, we will host an Open House for Prospective Families on Wedensday, 4/20, from 8:30-11:30am.

Hot Lunch Volunteers Needed for April - June - Our hot lunch program depends on volunteers to keep running.  If you are Virtus trained, and can help out - even just once in a while - please visit the Sign Up Genius to volunteer.  Hot Lunch duty is a great way to brighten your child(ren)'s day and share in the school day. Click here to visit the Sign Up Genius.  Thanks in advance!

2016-17 Enrollment Packets have been emailed to all families. Family Enrollment forms & fees are due NLT April 4, 2016. If you did not receive your Family Enrollment Packet via email or if you have questions regarding enrollment, please contact the school office. Our congratulations to the Gaul and Mikan families. These families attended our "Moving Up Knight" on Monday, 3/14, and were awarded a "paid" Family Enrollment Fee for next year.

We have been advised that the application for the 2016-2017 
St. Mary's School Trust Scholarships is now available.


Who can apply:

Any family whose children have completed a year's enrollment in kindergarten or above and will be enrolled in grades 1 through 8 at St. Mary's School during 2016-2017 is eligible to apply. There are no requirements regarding parish or religious affiliation.

Applications must be submitted no later than April 30, 2016. Click here for a  helpful reference guide. Additional instructions are provided when you access the application link. The link for the scholarship application is:

If you have any questions regarding the application process for the St. Mary's School Trust scholarships or about other financial assistance that may be available, please contact the school office.

It's time to order your SMS Yearbook!  The 
SMS Yearbook is a great way to remember a fabulous school year.  Every student is pictured and every special event is captured and captioned. All yearbooks must be preordered and all orders are due NLT April 1, 2016.   Click here for a downloadable order form that can be sent to the school office with payment or click here to order online.  Our Yearbook ID Code is 9415316. 

March Service Project - Our March service project for House of Bread is being coordinated by Grade 6. They will be collecting boxes of pasta. Donations will be collected through the end of March. The House of Bread uses 60 pounds of pasta  for every meal. 

It's almost time for the Talent Show!  This year's Talent Show will be held on Wednesday, 3/30, in the Parish Center from 6-8:30pm.  Participation is limited to those that auditioned for the show but everyone is invited to come and enjoy this great event! 

Spring Scholastic Book Fair is Coming Soon! April 4th to April 8th is our Spring BOGO Book Fair! Stock up on summer reading essentials and check out newly released favorites! If you would like to volunteer to work a shift at the fair, please contact Jodie Burhoe -

Spring has Sprung! Time to mark your calendar, our annual "Fairway to Heaven" Golf Tournament is fast approaching.  The Tournament is scheduled for Tuesday, May 24th at the Hop Meadow Country Club in Simsbury. 

Exciting new addition this year, Morning Tennis Round Robin Mixer! Stay tuned for more information... 

Community News
St. Mary's Parish Vacation Bible School – We’re taking a trip to Egypt with Joseph and the pharaoh from June 20-23! Your children will love our live music, outdoor games, and stories of pharaoh’s crazy dreams. Registration opens soon! Click here. Questions? Contact Kathleen Keating, Youth Minister and VBS Coordinator, at

Fun on the Farm this Summer at the Community Farm of  Simsbury.  Click here for more information & registration.  Scholarships and extended day care are available.  If  you register before April 15th, you will receive an "Early Bird Special" discount of $10 per week.

Rising 7th & 8th Grade Students are invited to participate in Deerfield Academy's Summer Experimentory.  This is a boarding program that features innovation, technology and creative thinking.  Click here for more information.
