Last Tuesday we loaded up the #martinbandofbrothers + Sadie girl, Haley & Honey and headed to Hendersonville to pick apples. Just a heads up - if you want the place to yourselves, go on a Tuesday at the end of September! We had to walk a-ways to get to the good apples, but that was OK. After tromping around the grounds for a while & loading our cart to the brim (we ended up with 32# of apples), we made our way back to the barn for apple cider donuts & apple cider slushies (a-hem, this may have been my reason for wanting to go).
We came home from the orchard with the kids and they were pooped, so we planned to bake the apples the next day. The boys & I went to Ft. Inn to Honey's house and Haley & I made 2 apple pies + a double batch of applesauce. We've still got tons of apples, so I'm searching for new recipes to make something yummy with them -- please share if you have something that you love! (: