month four | ezra


Baby Ez!!! You're 4 months old! You are one happy little dude. Somehow, with as unscheduled as I am, you've managed to put yourself on a pretty decent schedule. By 9-9:30 PM you're ready for bed & will either sleep 6.5ish hours or 8.5ish hours consistently! Some mornings you even go back to sleep after nursing until around 9AM. You've gotten really good at self-soothing, you little thumb sucker you...and prefer to put yourself to sleep rather than being held or rocked to sleep. And I thought Solomon spoiled me.
You love to be in the middle of what "the brothers" (my nickname for the big boys) are doing. Today I found you under a pile of stuffed bunny rabbits in your bouncy seat jabbering to Solly who'd put them there. I'm sure you were asking him to take them off of your face, but you didn't seam to mind too much. You love Amos and laugh at him often. It's really sweet the relationship you two are building even this early on. 

You've rolled over a couple of times and love to be in the exersaucer. I've even had to raise it up a notch already because you're really tall! You're very strong and have really good head control. We practice sitting, but you're not quite there. Soon, though, I'm sure! You're also a talker. And a  L O U D one! Amos will tell me, "mama, Ez sure is talking loud!" (He's one to talk.) I can't wait to know what you're saying! 

You're getting your first taste of the beach next week and I can't wait! You're also going on your very first boat ride this weekend on Mimi & Papa's new boat! Wooohooooo! Yay for all things summer! (: We're still spending evenings at the park as often as we can - when we can sneak away from the work of the white house - and when we do, I wear you in the bjorn. You like to look around and occasionally will fall asleep right on me. 

Ezra, you're a handsome little devil. Your smile is one of the sweetest ever. It lights up your entire face and make my heart glad every.single.time. I sure do love you little buddy! 

