Welcome back to school!
It's going to be busy! Our school's Google calendar is the best way to stay up to date with all of the important things happening at school. We encourage you to check this calendar frequently for new events and updates. There is a Calendar tab at the top of the blog. Looking ahead to the start of a new year, here are some key dates to keep in mind -
Monday, 8/31 – Advanced Band begins. Students that have participated in the program previously should bring their instruments to school.
Voice Mail - All teachers have a voice mail box. Click here for a list of extensions. Please keep in mind that teacher's will respond to voice mail within 24 hours. Please also keep in mind that information regarding changes to daily dismissal should always be reported directly to the main office and NOT left on a teacher's voice mail since the teacher's schedule may not allow him/her to check voice mail during the school day.
Monday, 8/31 – Advanced Band begins. Students that have participated in the program previously should bring their instruments to school.
Tuesday, 9/1 – Parent meeting for students interested in joining band for the first time at 6:30pm in the grade 4 classroom. Parents of returning band students DO NOT need to attend this meeting.
Wednesday, 9/2 – Back to School Night for Parents – Book your babysitter! This event for parents will begin at 6:30pm in the Parish Center . This will also be your first opportunity to sign up for Parent/Teacher Conferences in November.
Friday, 9/4 – School Mass at 9am. All are welcome. No physical education uniforms should be worn to Mass.
Monday, 9/7 – School Closed in observance of Labor Day.
Thursday, 9/10 – Cadet (Beginner) Band begins.
Sunday, 9/13 – Back to School Mass at St. Joseph ’s Cathedral in Hartford at 2pm. All are welcome.
Hot Lunch will begin on Friday, September 18th. The Hot Lunch Order Form is available on the school's website. Click here. All orders and payments are due NLT Monday, August 31. Please note that the price of a hot lunch this year is $4. Volunteers are needed! A Sign-up Genius is available. Pleaseclick here. Please remember that all volunteers must be Virtus trained. Until the hot lunch program begins on Friday, September 18th, all students must bring a brown bag lunch each day. The school's milk program began today. Milk enrollments need to be submitted ASAP - thanks!
Reminder Regarding School Communications - Again this year, the school and teachers' blogs will be our primary method of communicating important information with families. The school blog will generally be published on Wednesdays with additional posts if required. The school office will also continue to use Remind to send text alerts for important reminders and information regarding emergency closings, delayed openings and cancellations. If you have not already done so, we strongly encourage you to subscribe to both the school blog and your child(ren)'s teacher's(s') blog(s) and to join Mrs. Hatch's Remind "class". Click here for directions.

The purpose of this club is to give students an additional opportunity to improve their physical fitness, fundamental skills and mostly have fun while being active.
When is it?
The Middle school grades 6-8 will be Thursdays after school from 3:45-5:00pm.
Intermediate grades 3-5 will be Friday after school from 3:45-5:00pm
Intermediate grades 3-5 will be Friday after school from 3:45-5:00pm
Participation Fee?
$40 a month – Please make your checks made payable to St Mary School. Please note PE Club in the memo section.
How do I sign up?
Click here to download & print the registration form. Sessions will be limited to 30 participants. First come basis!
Used Uniform Exchange - An updated inventory of items in our used uniform exchange is now available. Click here.
Click here to download a copy of this flyer and order your mums. Thanks in advance for your support of our 8th grade.
Family Fun in the Fall!
Mum Sale!
Click here to download a copy of this flyer and order your mums. Thanks in advance for your support of our 8th grade.
Family Fun in the Fall!