It's been a fun, fabulous, first three days of school! Our thanks to everyone for bringing that positive energy and "can do" spirit to our new year. Faculty and staff are energized by the presence of our smiling, happy students and the building feels like home again!
It's going to be busy! Our school's Google calendar is the best way to stay up to date with all of the important things happening at school. We encourage you to check this calendar frequently for new events and updates. There is a Calendar tab at the top of the blog. Looking ahead to the start of a new year, here are some key dates to keep in mind -
Monday, 8/31 – Advanced Band begins. Students that have participated in the program previously should bring their instruments to school.
Tuesday, 9/1 – Parent meeting for students interested in joining band for the first time at 6:30pm in the grade 4 classroom. Parents of returning band students DO NOT need to attend this meeting.
Wednesday, 9/2 – Back to School Night for Parents – Check your email for a letter from Mrs. Gannatti about this special evening for parents. Book your babysitter! This event for parents will begin at 6:30pm in the Parish Center . This will also be your first opportunity to sign up for Parent/Teacher Conferences in November.
Friday, 9/4 – School Mass at 9am. All are welcome. No physical education uniforms should be worn toMass.
Friday, 9/4 – School Mass at 9am. All are welcome. No physical education uniforms should be worn to
Monday, 9/7 – School Closed in observance of Labor Day.
Thursday, 9/10 – Cadet (Beginner) Band begins.
Sunday, 9/13 – Back to School Mass at St. Joseph ’s Cathedral in Hartford at 2pm. All are welcome.
Hot Lunch will begin on Friday, September 18th. The Hot Lunch Order Form is available on the school's website. Click here. All orders and payments are due NLT Monday, August 31. Please note that the price of a hot lunch this year is $4. Volunteers are needed! A Sign-up Genius is available. Please click here. Please remember that all volunteers must be Virtus trained. Until the hot lunch program begins on Friday, September 18th, all students must bring a brown bag lunch each day. The school's milk program began today. Milk enrollments need to be submitted ASAP - thanks!
Our thanks to everyone that has returned their "Back to School" paperwork! We know that there are a lot of forms and details to think about and that this is a really busy time of year. We are still missing forms from a number of families. All of the "Back to School" forms are important but three are key in regard to iPad Usage. Please be sure that your family has turned in a signed pink Electronic Use Agreement for each child. This form was included in your "Back to School" mailing. Please also be sure your family has turned in a signed Parent/Student Handbook Acknowledgement and a signed iPad Acceptable Use Agreement Acknowledgement. These signature pages must be downloaded. Click here for the Parent/Student Handbook Acknowledgement. Click here for the iPad Acceptable Use Agreement Acknowledgement. Once we have these 3 forms from the majority of students in a class, iPad use will begin in that grade.

Business has been brisk at the Used Uniform Exchange! Click here for an updated inventory of items still available.
Click here to download a copy of this flyer and order your mums. Thanks in advance for your support of our 8th grade.