School will be closed Monday, October 6, for a faculty in-service and Monday, October 13, for Columbus Day.
Individual Student Photos for Grades PreKindergarten, Kindergarten - Grade 7 from Lifetouch Photography are being sent home today (Friday, 10/3). Please be sure to check backpacks. If your child was absent on picture day or if you wish to have the portrait retaken, Lifetouch will be here on Monday, 11/17. For retakes, please be sure to send the original package in with your child. For absentee photos, please complete an order form prior to 11/17. The school office has extra forms. On 11/17, Lifetouch will also take group class photos for grades PreKindergarten, Kindergarten - Grade 7. Students should wear the formal uniform for this class photo. Students having an individual photo taken may wear "business casual" for their individual photos but should have their formal uniforms with them for the group class photos. Grade 8 individual and class photos will be coming to school separately from Paul Cryan Photography. For even more information about school photos, click here.
Kindergarten has had quite the week learning about graphing in their new Math Unit! They have learned how to graph data and explain what the graph shows about the data using the terms more, less, most, least, etc. Students are working in teams on making real surveys and collecting data by asking students a survey question. Students then look at the data and graph the data. Once all the graphs are complete, each team will explain what the graph shows. Students are also using our theme this week, Fall, to tie into our Math Unit! They brought in leaves from home and sorted the leaves by color and graphed their results! Students then worked with a math partner and compared their graphs with each other. Kindergarten is definitely "FALLING IN LOVE WITH LEARNING!"
Grade 8 Fundraising - Flower Power Spring Flowering Bulbs
So far we've earned $557 | We are at the halfway point of our fundraiser and still need your help.• St. Mary's School 8th grade gets 50% of all product sales. • Your order gets shipped directly to your doorstep. • You get a 100% money-back guarantee Click here to place your order. All orders must be received by 10/15/14. |
Home & School Association News
Are you wondering what HSA has planned for fundraisers this year? Wondering about the upcoming "Social Saturday"? Click here for a full explanation of this year's HSA fundraising events.
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to St. Mary's! October 7-12.
Come visit the Castle of Sir Readalot and enter the Kingdom of Books!
Enter a raffle to win a basket full of books!
Pre-order Diary of a Wimpy Kid #9 The Long Haul due to be released on Nov. 4! Copies will be shipped directly to St. Mary's in early November.
The Fall Book Fair hours are as follows:
- Oct. 7 Tuesday 12-4p.m.
- Oct. 8, 9 Wednesday & Thursday 9a.m.-4p.m.
- Oct. 10 Friday 9a.m. - 3:30p.m.
- Oct. 12 Sunday 9 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. (after the 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.Masses) Family Event with coffee and doughnuts
Again this year, students in grades Kindergarten through grade 8 will make a visit to bookfair as a group. The bookfair committee welcomes parents to join their children during the class visit time. PreKindergarten students do not make a "class" visit to bookfair but parents are encouraged to bring their children at their convenience. The schedule for class visits to bookfair is as follows -
Tuesday, Oct. 7th
Grade 6: 1:15-1:45PM
Grade 8 : 1:55-2:25PM
Grade 7 : 2:35-3:05PM
Wednesday, Oct. 8th
Grade 4: 9:30-10:00AM
Grade 2: 2:00-2:30PM
Kindergarten: 2:40-3:10PM
Thursday, Oct. 9th
Grade 1: 1:00-1:30PM
Grade 3: 2:00-2:30PM
Friday, Oct. 10th
Grade 5: 9:00-9:30AM
Grade 6: 1:15-1:45PM
Grade 8 : 1:55-2:25PM
Grade 7 : 2:35-3:05PM
Wednesday, Oct. 8th
Grade 4: 9:30-10:00AM
Grade 2: 2:00-2:30PM
Kindergarten: 2:40-3:10PM
Thursday, Oct. 9th
Grade 1: 1:00-1:30PM
Grade 3: 2:00-2:30PM
Friday, Oct. 10th
Grade 5: 9:00-9:30AM