mikey and i just got back from sneaking away for a long holiday weekend to visit chris & alexa in nyc. we walked for miles, exploring pockets of manhattan & brooklyn, central park & the sunday farmers market. our hosts took us on the most fabulous food tour of the city ... we dined on italian (supper) and thai (land thai), breakfasted on bagel sandwiches, funky donuts (the blood orange doughflower was my favorite) and massive cinnamon rolls, and shared plates at maison pickle. we even managed to snag pie at four & twenty blackbirds late one afternoon. we rode the carousel in central park and picked through the brooklyn flea, scoring treasures and keepsakes that'll be in our family forever (him: a genuine european field jacket / her: a massive american flag for our wall). mikey also came home with several new paperbacks; he's currently into hemingway. we talked of dreams and life, things present and future. we made plans to globe trot together, all kiddos in tow.
mikey & i always suggest a weekend a way from kiddos to just be together. we're thankful for family to keep our boys so we can do it. seriously, i don't even think they missed us. we're thankful for dear friends who'll play tour guide over their long weekend, who'll share their favorite spots and dreams with us.