Sweetest baby Ez, somehow in the mix of the holidays I forgot to post your 9.5 month pictures & now, here we are, less than two months from your first birthday! I won't even lie, I have the feelings about your upcoming birthday! Plans are in the works and I am excited! (:
These past couple of months have been fun and full and busy. We've been taking advantage of this unseasonably warm January by hitting the park or playing on the trampoline / in the driveway any chance we get & like your big brothers, you love being outside. You're scooting like a pro now (just like Solomon did--it's weird that none of you Martin babies crawl) and are pretty dang quick. You have 4 of the cutest teeth I've ever seen -- those top two ginormous chiclets slay me. You're the best eater around -- you're currently loving yogurt, pizza and peanut butter. And, you're even starting to consistently sleep through the night. Can you teach your biggest brother now? You give the sweetest kisses and seem to know exactly when to give them (you leaned in and gave me the biggest, wettest, sloppiest kiss when I picked you up from church nursery last Sunday). You say "addy" alllllllll day long, "bye bye", and "mama"--but only if you're wanting to be picked up in the middle of the night. You like to clap your hands when we say "yay" and hide behind your sleepy tiger when we ask "Where's Ezra?!" And, you're bald. Not 100%, but dude, your hair is taking forever to grow.
It has made my heart so happy to see you really love being around Amos & Solomon. You don't have to be entertained by them, you just enjoy being with them. I've particularly enjoyed watching Solomon get to be a big brother to you. He's really sweet with you and will actually sit down and play with you throughout the day. My prayer consistently for you three is that you'll love each other and always be best friends. I love watching more and more of your personality come out day to day. You're loud, you're fun, you're sweet--so sweet! Keep growing big & strong, sweetest baby Ez! I sure do love you!