Join us for the Living Rosary - On Thursday, February 26th at 8:50am, the whole school will gather for morning prayer in the Parish Center and participate in a Living Rosary as part of our Lenten devotion. The students of Grade 8 will be leading us in prayer. All are welcome to join us. Our intention for this Rosary will be all veterans.
A sight for sore eyes! Today, the temperature "soared" to 28 degrees with plenty of sun and minimal wind (felt like 20!) and our students were finally able to get outside for recess and play in our enormous piles of snow!
We are hoping for lots more "outdoor recess" days as winter finally (hopefully) begins to wane, so please be sure your favorite SMS student(s) have all their winter gear so they can play in the snow!

It's time to order hot lunches for April - June! Click here for the order form for hot lunches for April - June. All orders and payments are due NLT Friday, 2-27-15. PLEASE NOTE THAT NO LATE ORDERS CAN BE ACCEPTED.
Hot Lunch Volunteers Needed - At this time, we have no one signed up to serve lunch on Monday, March 9th. We are also in need of one additional volunteer on the following dates: Monday, March 2nd; Monday, March 16th and Monday, March 30. If you can help us on any of these day, please click here to use the Sign Up Genius or email Mrs. Budnick at
Looking ahead to March -
Walk-In Wednesdays will begin on March 4 and continue each Wednesday in March. If you know someone who has been wondering if SMS is the right place for their family, please encourage them to drop by for a walk in visit. Hours are 9:30-11:30, no appointment is required but if they call ahead, we'll be sure to have an information packet all prepared for them to take home after their visit.
Our March School Mass will be held at 9am on Friday, 3/6/15, in the church. All are most welcome to join us. Please remember that no physical education uniforms should be worn to Mass.
March Parent/Teacher Conferences will be here before you know it! This year, our March Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Monday, 3/16 - Thursday, 3/19. Each of these days will be a 12:45pm Early Dismissal and there will be NO PREKINDERGARTEN ENRICHMENT OR AFTERCARE. Click here to sign up for conferences. A conference is strongly encouraged for all students but unlike the Fall conferences, no appointments will be scheduled for you if you do not sign up on your own. If you do not sign up for a conference and your child's teacher feels one is necessary, you will be contacted by the teacher.
On Tuesday, students in grades K-4, received a special visit from Officer Phil. He gave an informative presentation on the topic of safety using magic tricks, puppets and humor.
Yearbook 2015 - Your photos are needed! The SMS Yearbook is a very special keepsake. It features photos of every student at SMS and many candid shots from the year's activities, athletic events and clubs. If you have photos from this year's activities, please upload them now! Photos may be uploaded at The password/access code for our school is - WXBRRX (Please note, this is case sensitive. Use all capital letters.) Please note that up to 5 images may be uploaded at a time. Your photos will be accepted until the end of March. Please be sure that photos are identified by activity and/or grade and include teacher and or student names.
Home & School Association News
HSA Monthly Meeting - Our next HSA meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 19th at 6:30 p.m. Meetings are held in the 8th grade classroom. All are welcome!
The Nomination Committee for the Home and School Association is looking for new Board Members for the 2015-2016 school year. The purpose of this team is to strengthen the bond between members of the SMS community, and between the SMS community and St. Mary’s parish. Current Board Members will provide training and support for the incoming Board Members to ensure a seamless transition. Please consider being part of this vibrant and important organization!
If you are interested, please contact Noreen Kuziak, Nominating Chair, at 860-416-7662 or OR Deb Poniatowski at 860-916-1335 or
Community News
New St. Mary's Church Family Directory - Sign Up Now! |
St. Mary's Parish Members - Do you ever see people at church and wonder what their names are? Have you ever heard an announcement regarding a member and wished you could put a face with a name? Help is on the way! We are updating our membership photo directory this year, and it will not be complete without you! There is no cost to our church. Each participating family will receive a complimentary 8 x 10 portrait as well as a new directory. Families will also have the opportunity to purchase additional portraits to share with family and friends. PHOTOGRAPH DATES: WWednesday, 2/25 (2 PM – 9 PM) Thursday, 2/26 (2 PM – 6 PM) Friday, 2/27 (2 PM – 9 PM) Saturday, 2/28 (10 AM – 5 PM) Tuesday, 3/3 (2 PM – 9 PM) Wednesday, 3/4 (2 PM – 9 PM) Sign Up! To sign-up for a time slot, [click HERE] to schedule your photo session online. It's quick and easy. Make sure to include your email address and you will automatically receive a confirmation email with your date and time, plus an email reminder a few days before your session which includes a link to a $10 discount off any photography you purchase. Contact us at if you have any questions. |
Sylvan Learning Center in West Hartford is offering a FREE Lego Robotics Class on Saturday, February 28, 2015. The Robotics class utilizes Lego kits and basic computer programming to build and animate a robot from start to finish. No prior experience is necessary, and Sylvan teachers will be leading the class. The free classes are being offered for students in grades 2-5 in groups of 6-12 students. Please call us for more information and to reserve a spot, (860) 231-2429. See flyer below.
McLean Presents - Your Parents - Their Next Chapter - RSVP is requested.