Who knew compound words could be "SNOW" much fun?
We have had 6 snow days and our projected last day of school is Monday, June 16th with a 12:45 early dismissal. On our original school calendar, our projected last day if there were no snow days was Monday, 6/9. Based on the 6 snow days that currently need to be made up, our school calendar has been adjusted as follows:
Monday, April 21- School will be OPEN with PreK enrichment and aftercare available. This is a change to our original calendar.
Monday, June 9 - Friday, June 13 - School will be OPEN. These will all be full days of school with PreK enrichment and aftercare available.
Monday, June 16 is now tentatively scheduled as our last day of school. This is scheduled as a 12:45pm early dismissal with NO PreK enrichment or aftercare. If more snow days are needed, days will be added.
Graduation is still scheduled for Friday, June 6th.
Our March School Mass will the 12:15pm Parish Mass on Ash Wednesday, March 5, as we begin the holy season of Lent. Please remember that no physical education uniforms should be worn to Mass.
Our April School Mass will be on Friday, 4/4/14, at 9am in the church. All are welcome to join us in worship. The Home & School Association will host a coffee beginning at 8:30am in the Parish Center.
March Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held from Monday, March 17th - Thursday, March 20th. Each of these days will be a 12:45 early dismissal. Important Correction: There will be Prekindergarten Enrichment available until 3:20pm on each of the conference days. There will be no Aftercare available on conference days. Unlike the Parent/Teacher Conferences held in November, the March appointments are not considered mandatory though they are strongly recommended. If you do not sign up for a conference none will be scheduled for you. You will be contacted by your child(ren)'s teacher(s) if you do not sign up for a conference and it is felt that one is needed. Conference sign ups are again being completed using Sign Up Genius. Click here to access the Sign Up Geniuses for conferences or use the March Conference tab that appears at the top of the blog.
One of life's biggest questions - If you or someone you know is wondering if their child is ready for Kindergarten, please join us on Thursday, March 13th.
Advancement News
Annual Fund Update! Thank you to everyone who has participated in the 2013-2014 Annual Fund where every gift counts, every child benefits. We are pleased to announce that we have met this year's goal of $45,000.
We would still like to see 100% participation of our school community. If you have not had an opportunity to donate, please consider a gift of any size. A contribution of $10.00 dollars is an investment in St. Mary's School, our children and their Catholic education. We also encourage your gift of prayer for the success of the Annual Fund Campaign. Donation forms are in the office or can be completed online by clicking here.

Walk-In Wednesdays are Back! For the month of March, every Wednesday is Walk-in Wednesday. Please encourage your friends to stop in and share some time with our smiling students between 9:00 AM and 11:30 AM and see St. Mary's School in action. No reservations necessary, interested friends may just drop in on Wednesday mornings!
Used Uniform Exchange - Click here to display an updated inventory of available used uniforms. The relaxed uniform may be worn beginning on Monday, April 21. Let's hope the weather is conducive that more informal attire, especially the shorts!
Athletic News -
Congratulations on a great season and best of luck to our JVA Boys Basketball team. This team will play St. Tim's for the league championship on Saturday, 3/1/14 at 12:15pm at Pope John Paul II School in New Britain. Though they lost in the semi-finals round, our Girls JVA team had a great season and we shout out our congratulations to them!
Home & School Association News -
YOUR HELP IS NEEDED! Nominating Committee: The HSA is looking for a nominating committee to recommend members of our community for next year’s HSA executive board. If you are interested in joining the committee, please contact Maggie Domashinski at mmdodo@cox.net or Jennifer Pavlonnis at jpavlonnis@yahoo.com.
Simsbury Food Closet: Please help fill the Simsbury Food Closet to feed our neighbors in need. A list of items needed can be found here.
Thanks to everyone that supported the Bertucci's Fundraiser in support the construction of our new playground. Despite short notice for the first evening and challenging weather on the second, the events raised $175.96. Our thanks to Mrs. Linda Thompson for arranging for this tasty fundraiser!

Join us for an evening of wine tasting and pleasant company that will help us build our new playground. Click here for a downloadable copy of this flyer and reservation form.
St. Patrick's Day Annual Dinner -

Voices of Imani - the Gospel Choir of Boston College will be performing on Saturday, March 1. For more information, click here.
Campus Facility Update - Our new portable classrooms arrived on Tuesday. Contractors are being scheduled to complete all necessary setup activities. We will keep you posted in regard to progress and will let you know when we will be able to use this new space for vocal and instrumental music, art and library. Thank you for your continued cooperation with morning arrival.