News for the Week of 4/30/14

"Oh Mary, We Crown You with Blossoms Today....Queen of the Angels, Queen of the May" 

The month of May is dedicated to the patron Saint of our school and also our parish community, our Blessed Mother Mary. The month of May provides us all with a wonderful opportunity to renew our own devotion to the Mother of God.  Beginning on May 1st, the Kindergarten and Second Grade classes will crown our Blessed Mother outside of the Main Entrance of the school each day after morning prayer.  A kindergartener will carry the crown and will assist a second grade student in crowning Mary.  We will then gather and pray the Hail Mary together to show our devotion to our Blessed Mother.  On Friday, May 9th, we will have our schoolwide May Crowning in the church at 10:30am.  This prayer service is being held on Grandparents' & Special Person's Day so that those we love can join us in our veneration of our patron saint.  More details regarding Grandparents' & Special Persons' Day appear below.

School Calendar Reminders - May is always a very busy month at SMS and this year is no exception.  Below are some important reminders -

IOWA testing continues through Monday, 5/5 for students in Grades 3 -7.  Tuesday, 5/6 and Wednesday, 5/7 are reserved for "make-ups" due to illness.  Please keep in mind that it is very important for students to arrive at school PROMPTLY by 8:40AM on IOWA testing days.  Late arrivals will not be permitted into a classroom if the testing has begun until there is a break.  Additionally, we ask that you try to avoid scheduling doctor and dentist visits during the testing period.  Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

IOWA Testing Snacks - Brain Food Needed!  There are still a few open slots for snacks. If you would like to contribute a healthy snack for students to enjoy during their break between test sessions, click here to sign up.

Grandparents' & Special Person's Day & May Crowning will be held on Friday, May 9th.  Guests are invited to worship at the 8am Parish Mass if desired and come across to the school by 8:40 to join us for community prayer and refreshments in the Parish Center.  After some student entertainment, guests will be welcome to visit in classrooms with their favorite students from 9:15 to 10:15.  At 10:15, all guests are invited to join us in the Church for our annual May Crowning prayer service.  The May Crowning will conclude our day's special activities at about 11am.  We hope many grandparents and special people can join us - no RSVP required! 

Spring Vocal Concert - On Tuesday, May 13th, the students of St. Marys School will present "Salute to America,' a  concert celebrating our country, it's history and culture.  All students in grades Kindergarten through Grade 8 participate in this concert and attendance is required.  Performance is considered part of a student's music grade.  Students should arrive at 6:45 wearing their "Sunday Best."  "Sunday Best" is defined as no jeans for boys or girls.  Additionally, for boys, "Sunday Best" means a collared shirt with walking shorts or slacks, socks and shoes.  For girls, "Sunday Best" means walking length shorts, skirt or skort or slacks and a shirt or blouse that covers the shoulders.  It may also be a modest length dress that covers the shoulders.  No flip-flops or backless sandals and no high heels.  The concert begins at 7:00 pm.  

Spring Band Concert - On Thursday, May 22nd, our Spring Band Concert will be held.  There will be a 2pm dress rehearsal that is open to guests along with the 7pm evening performance.  Additional details regarding student dress and arrival will be available soon.

Art Show - The SMS Annual Art Show will have its opening night at our Spring Vocal Concert on Tuesday, May 13th.  The Art Show will be on display in the Parish Center.  The Art Show will remain up through the Spring Band Concert on May 22nd so there will be plenty of time to enjoy our students' art work.

Friday, May 23, is a 12:45 Early Dismissal.  There will be no PreKindergarten Enrichment or Aftercare.  School is closed on Monday, May 26, for Memorial Day.

Our next school Mass will be the Feast of the Ascension on Thursday, May 29th.  We will worship with our Parish family at the 12:15 Mass.  Everyone is welcome to join us.  Please remember that no physical education uniforms should be worn to Mass.  Please note that there will NOT be a school Mass on Friday, May16th.  This is a change to our school calendar.

Calling all golfers!  Please join us on Thursday, May 29th at Hop Meadow Country Club for a day of golf, fellowship and fun.  The cost of $175 includes lunch, a golf shirt, happy hour and dinner.  You are welcome to register a foursome or an individual and we will be happy to pair you up with another golfer.  Please click here to download a registration form orclick here to visit the Golf Tournament website.

We are also looking for sponsorships.  Sponsorships start at tee signs for $100 to lunch sponsors  at $1,000 to golf cart sponsors at $2,000.  Show your support for St. Mary's School and catholic education by sponsoring this year's tournament.  Click here for Sponsorship form.

The application period for the 14-15 Trust Scholarships is now open. The guidelines for scholarship eligibility are available on our school website. Click here.
The application form has been sent to all families using the SMS Families 13 email distribution list on Monday, April 28, 2014.  It is also available on our school website.  Click here to access the application form.  ALL APPLICATIONS MUST BE POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN MAY 30, 2014.

Grace portraying Mrs. Josephine Dodge
of the Anti-Suffrage platform.

Saint Mary's Stars - Congratulations to Grace Domashinski, Grade 7!  On Saturday, April 26th, 2014, Grace Domashinski won first place individual performance at Connecticut State History day for her project, A Tea and Discussion of Women's Suffrage in Simsbury, Connecticut. In her performance, Grace plays three women, Mrs. Antoinette Eno Wood - Suffrage Platform, Mrs. Joesphine Dodge - Anti- Suffrage platform, and Julia Pattison- Librarian for the Simsbury Free Library, trying to decide on which side of this issue she belongs while voicing her concerns about the issues of the time period, 1915 and 1923 , and her hopes for the future. Grace will be now be attending National History day in Washington, D.C. from June 14 - June 19, 2014.

Home & School Association News - SAVE THE DATES!

Flatbread Benefit Night for  the 13/14 HSA Auction & New Playground Fund  - Tuesday May 6, 2014
Come out and "Raise some Dough" for St. Mary's School. All you have to do is eat pizza. Who doesn't love pizza? Flatbread Pizza at the Shoppes in Farmington Valley in Canton on Route 44 has been so kind to offer help St. Mary's School raise additonal funds for our auction fundraiser. On Tuesday, May 6th a portion of every Flatbread pizza, dine in or carry out, sold from 5-9pm will go to our school. Spread the word. No coupons needed. Flatbread enjoys giving back to the local community by supporting local farms and local producers. Its a win-win situation. You don't have to cook and St. Mary's School and your children benefit.

The Summer Reading Scholastic BOGO fair is coming soon so mark your calendar for  May 15-19.  More details about operating hours will be coming soon!

Community News

You are Invited to the Second in the Series of:  The Catholic Church in the Public Square.
Save the Date:  June 8, Sunday 1 - 3:00pm at St. Catherine of Siena Church in West Simsbury
 Featured Panelists: Rev. Msgr. John J. McCarthy, Chancellor, Archdiocese of Hartford; Daniel P. O’Connell, Chairman, Saint Francis Care Board of Directors; Jeff Mateer, Esq., General Counsel of The Liberty Institute
The panelists will address the Affordable Care Act and its moral, legal, and health care implications in light of Catholic Teaching and Religious Freedom.

Vacation Bible Camp is back and registration is NOW OPEN! Wilderness Escape runs Monday through Thursday, June 23rd to June 26th.  Registration and volunteer sign up is now open!  Click here.  If you have questions, email Kerri Work at

Spring means it's Road Race Time!  Registration is now open for the 43rd running of the Granby Road Race! Join the fun at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, May 3, for one of Connecticut’s longest-running events. Click here for more information and a registration.

Runners (and walkers) are also invited to participate in the first annual Granby Bear 5K Challenge and help support Granby Bears Athletics! This event is fun for the whole family, with a 5K division and also a Kid's Fun Run prior to the 5K. The 5K course starts and finishes at the Granby Memorial HS track. The run is a two loop course with gently rolling hills. The course features one challenging uphill. Walkers encouraged to participate in the 5K! Food and concessions will be available post-race.Click here for more information.

Summer of Science Adventures at Talcott Mountain Science Center - Exciting summer science programs are available at the Talcott Mountain Science Center for students entering grades K-9 in the fall of 2014.  Click here for more information and registration.

Students in Mrs. Gillen's Seventh Grade Honors Literature Class worked cooperatively to create a "media blitz" about the heroic event featured in the novel, The Outsiders.
Blog Correction - Last week, our blog incorrectly reported that Ava Canning raised $5,762 for Jump Rope for Heart.  The post should have indicated that SMS raised a total of $5,762.  Ava was our school's top earner with a donation of $325. Thanks to all for this outstanding effort for a fabulous cause!

2014-15 SMS Trust Scholarship Application is Now Available

The application period for the 14-15 Trust Scholarships is now open. The guidelines for scholarship eligibility appear below:

Any family whose children have completed a year's enrollment in kindergarten or above and will be enrolled in grades 1 through 8 at St. Mary's school the following year is eligible to apply. There are no requirements regarding parish or religious affiliation.

All completed applications must be postmarked by the date indicated on the Private School Aid Service application and must include a check or money order in the amount of $27 payable to "Private School Aid Service". NOTE - This is a $2 increase in the application fee since last year. This is a non-refundable application fee.

Scholarship awards are made by the trustees and families that receive an award will be notified once the trustees have reviewed all applications.

The application form has been sent to all families using the SMS Families 13 email distribution list on Monday, April 28, 2014.  It is also available on our school website.  Click here to access the application form.

The application form is a fillable PDF. This means that you can complete the Student Aid Form by printing it out and filling it in by hand (using blue or black ink) or you can type on the form on your computer screen by placing the cursor at the appropriate fields and typing in the information. You can then print the completed document and save it to your computer for your records (If you are running Acrobat 7 or higher). NOTE: You can select which pages you would like to print under the "PrintRange" section and preview every page under the "Preview: Composite" section by moving the sliding bar beneath the image. If you have any problems
printing the file, please follow the steps below:

-Click on the File
-Select Print
-At the bottom of the print window there is an option called "Print What":
-Change this option from Document to Document and Comments
-You should see the change in the small print preview screen
-The PDF should print correctly

Your completed form and application fee should be mailed to:

Private School Aid Service
PO Box 89434
Cleveland, OH 44101-6434

All applications must be postmarked No Later Than May 30, 2014.

Message from the Connecticut Federation of Catholic School Parents & a New Blog Link

We are pleased to share that Fourth Grade has a new blog.  To view Ms. Soucy's new "Fabulous Fourth Grade" blog, click here.  Once the fourth grade blog is displayed, you may subscribe to receive all future posts to this blog via email by entering your email address in the subscription box that appears on the right side of the 4th grade blog. You may also view Ms. Soucy's 4th grade blog by using the Fabulous Fourth Grade link that appears under SMS Teacher Blogs on the right side navigation bar of our school blog.

With 10 days left in this Connecticut  Legislative Session, the Connecticut Federation of Catholic School Parents had advised us that  it is MORE IMPORTANT than ever to make sure our collective Catholic School voice is heard. The Federation requests your support, please call your legislator TODAY! 

Below, the Federation outlines their current position on 2 important pieces of legislation.

We are grateful that SB 29, An Act Authorizing and Adjusting Bonds of the State for Capital Improvements, Transportation and Other Purposes now includes language to allow non-public schools access to the school security funding.

Click here to view this bill.

• We respectfully request our Legislators support SB 29 because all students in Connecticut, regardless of where they go to school should be entitled to a safe learning environment.

Additionally, SB 46, An Act Concerning Pesticides on School Grounds, seeks to expand the ban on the use of lawn care pesticides in schools to include schools with students in grades nine to twelve, inclusive.
Click here to view this bill.

• We respectfully request our Legislators oppose SB 46 because expanding the ban on pesticides to our high schools would increase the risk of student injury due to a
deterioration of the fields, add an additional fiscal burden to pay for alternative pest management treatments and result in a costly conversion to turf.

Click here to help you locate your State Legislators. Please be sure to keep your message positive. Parents, grandparents, students, faculty and staff are encouraged to call or email their Legislators TODAY!

Thank you for your continued support of Connecticut's Catholic Schools. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Mary Roberts


News for the Week of 4/ 23/14

Great results for a Great Cause - This year, SMS raised $5,762 for Jump Rope for Heart! Our congratulations to Ava Canning, Grade 1 for raising $325 for Jump Rope for Heart this year. Every single contribution to this great cause is important and we appreciate the efforts of every single participant but extra kudos to Ava for this amazing effort!

Our next school Mass will be the Feast of the Ascension on Thursday, May 29th.  We will worship with our Parish family at the 12:15 Mass.  Everyone is welcome to join us.  Please remember that no physical education uniforms should be worn to Mass.  Please note that there will NOT be a school Mass on Friday, May16th.  This is a change to our school calendar.

Please join us in welcoming Ms. Brittany Soucy to our staff.  We are pleased to share that Ms. Soucy has been hired as our long-term substitute in fourth grade.  Ms. Soucy has worked in both public and magnet school settings and is excited to bring her experience and enthusiasm to our fourth grade.  We are confident that she will provide our grade 4 students with a challenging, joy filled, productive last quarter.  This week, Ms. Soucy will get acquainted with her new class in company with our current substitute teachers, Mrs. Mortillaro, Mrs. Mead and classroom assistant, Mrs. Hughes.   Her first official day as our fourth grade teacher will be Monday, April 28th.  Ms. Soucy may be reached via email at  She is excited to begin her assignment here at SMS and has her Teacher's Blog almost ready for launch. A quick link will be provided once the blog has been published.  Our thanks to Mrs. Mortillaro, Mrs. McNally and Mrs. Mead for all their help as substitute teachers during the last few weeks.  We would also like to extend special thanks to Mrs. Hughes for her invaluable assistance keeping important classroom routines running smoothly. 

Campus Facility Update -
We are excited to share that today was the first day our new portable classrooms were used by students. Fourth grade was the first class to use our new library.  In other facility related news, installation of the air conditioning in the Middle School classrooms is still pending but expected to begin shortly so that work is accomplished before summer heat arrives.  Installation of the new security gate at the entrance of the north (playground) parking lot is still pending as well.  We will advise when an installation date has been scheduled.

Used Uniform Exchange -  Just in time for our transition to the relaxed uniform, an updated Used Uniform Spreadsheet is available.  Click here.

Relaxed Uniform Reminders - Please keep in mind that while the Relaxed Uniform is more casual, a belt is required with walking shorts or slacks.  Additionally, school shoes, not sneakers, must be worn with the relaxed uniform.

IOWA testing begins Monday, 4/28 and continues through Monday, 5/5 for students in Grades 3 -7.  Tuesday, 5/6 and Wednesday, 5/7 are reserved for "make-ups" due to illness. While these tests are one important indicator of a student's academic progress, we do strongly encourage you to help your child(ren) approach these tests with a positive outlook of relaxed confidence.  Unlike many regular assessments, these tests cannot be "studied" for and the best preparation for them is a good night's rest and a healthy breakfast.  Students that may feel anxious should be reminded that these tests are just one measure of progress. Please also keep in mind that it is very important for students to arrive at school PROMPTLY by 8:40AM on IOWA testing days.  Late arrivals will not be permitted into a classroom if the testing has begun until there is a break.  Additionally, we ask that you try to avoid scheduling doctor and dentist visits during the testing period.  Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

IOWA Testing Snacks - Brain Food Needed!  Students in Grades 3-7 will take the IOWA tests from Monday, 4/28 - Monday, 5/5.  If you would like to contribute a healthy snack for students to enjoy during their break between test sessions, click here to sign up.

Grandparents' & Special Person's Day & May Crowning will be held on Friday, May 9th.  Guests are invited to worship at the 8am Parish Mass if desired and come across to the school by 8:40 to join us for community prayer and refreshments in the Parish Center.  After some student entertainment, guests will be welcome to visit in classrooms with their favorite students from 9:15 to 10:15.  At 10:15, all guests are invited to join us in the Church for our annual May Crowning prayer service.  The May Crowning will conclude our day's special activities at about 11am.  We hope many grandparents and special people can join us - no RSVP required! 

Calling all golfers!  Please join us on Thursday, May 29th at Hop Meadow Country Club for a day of golf, fellowship and fun.  The cost of $175 includes lunch, a golf shirt, happy hour and dinner.  You are welcome to register a foursome or an individual and we will be happy to pair you up with another golfer.  Please click here to download a registration form or click here to visit the Golf Tournament website.

We are also looking for sponsorships.  Sponsorships start at tee signs for $100 to lunch sponsors  at $1,000 to golf cart sponsors at $2,000.  Show your support for St. Mary's School and catholic education by sponsoring this year's tournament.  Click here for Sponsorship form.

CHOICE Program Update -  The 2013-14 CHOICE Program will end on Wednesday, April 30th.  Any purchases of CHOICE cards made until this date will be applied to this year's mandatory CHOICE contribution.  CHOICE statements highlighting whether your family has met its CHOICE obligation or has a balance due were sent out earlier this month.  If a balance remains after 4/30/14, you will receive a written statement letting you know the amount due to complete your obligation.  Purchases of CHOICE cards made after 4/30/14, will be applied to the the CHOICE obligation for the 2014-15 school year.

New CHOICE Vendor - We are pleased to share that $25 certificates to Maple Tree Cafรฉ/Attilio's are now available for purchase at a 5% profit rate.
 Vacation Bible Camp is back! Save the dates of Monday through Thursday, June 23rd to June 26th.

Information will be available on the parish website and via quick link in this blog in the coming weeks. Registration begins in early May. If you are interested in helping or have questions, email Kerri Work at
Congratulations to the seven SMS Alumni that are currently studying Latin at Northwest Catholic High School who earned ratings of cum laude, magna cum laude, maxima cum laude or summa cum laude on the 2014 National Latin Exam. More than 150,000 students took the exam this year.

In Latin I, Brett Baker, Class of ’13, and Allyson Voelker, Class of ’13 earned summa cum laude status. Gabriela Doskos, Class of ’13, and Christopher Poniatowski, Class of ’13 earned maxima cum laude status.

In Latin II, Avery Hatch, Class of ’12 and Abby Herron, Class of ’12 earned magna cum laude status.

In Latin III-IV, David Kalamarides, Class of '11 earned maxima cum laude status.

Tyler D., grade 4, is officially one of 4 poster children as the face of the Jimmy Fund Brain Tumor Clinic. At this time, 2 events are underway to help raise funds for important brain cancer research

The first is the Stop and Shop Triple Winner game. Stop & Shop customers may purchase a scratch tickets ($1.00 Each) at check out. These tickets will always be a winner for the purchaser in that they will either give a valuable coupon, or as much as $5,000.00. ALL of these proceeds go to benefit Dana Farber, Stop and Shop Brain Tumor Clinic.

The second is our annual Geared up for Kids Ride 2014, which raises money for children affected with Brain Tumors in support of the PLGA Foundation. The funds raised are specifically targeted to directly affect and further groundbreaking research and clinical trials to find cures for affected children. Riders, Volunteers, and donors are all needed for this event. Click here to join "Team Tyler". All of the ride information is available at this link as well. This site makes donations, and sign ups a breeze. However, should you wish to donate via a check please make your check payable to the PLGA Foundation. Check donations may be sent to the Dalene family via kidmail so that the Dalenes may bring them to the event , or they can be mailed in support of “Team Tyler” to the foundation mailing address:

A Kids' Brain Tumor Cure Foundation
98 Random Farms Drive, Chappaqua, NY 10514
Phone: 914-762-3494


Some End of Week Reminders - 4/10/14

A few reminders as we finish up the week of 4/9/14 -
Tomorrow, Friday, 4/10, our 8th grade students will present the Living Stations of the Cross at 2pm in the church for the student body.  Everyone is most welcome to attend.  Students in grades Kindergarten - 7 are requested to wear their formal uniform for this solemn prayer service.  Eighth grade students should follow the dress directions provided to them by Mrs. Gillen. 
The  Living Stations will also be presented at 7pm and there will be a  Soup and Bread Dinner sponsored by grade 8 in the Parish Center beginning at 5:30pm.  We hope many of you will be able to attend this very moving prayer service as a wonderful way to begin the spiritual reflection that is so important as we prepare for Holy Week.
All student iPads will remain at school over the spring break.  Any student that is beginning break early should turn his/her iPad in to the homeroom teacher before leaving today.
A final calendar reminder - Please keep in mind that Spring Vacation is from Monday, 4/14 - Friday, 4/18. School will be OPEN on Monday, 4/21.  The relaxed uniform can be worn beginning on Monday, 4/21.  Please be sure that a belt is worn with walking shorts and that school shoes (and socks) are worn with the relaxed uniform.  Sneakers are permissible only on PE days.

News for the week of 4/9/14

Today was Open House at St. Mary's & Assistant Principal, Miss Oria Buckley,
was on hand to welcome prospective families to our school and make them feel at home.
Calendar Reminders - 

School is closed for Spring vacation from Monday, April 14 - Friday, April 18.

School will be OPEN Monday, 4/21/14 & relaxed uniforms may be worn beginning on this date.

IOWA testing of students in grades 3 - 7 begins on Monday, 4/28 and continues through Monday, 5/5, with Tuesday, May 6 and Wednesday, May 7 reserved for "makeups" due to illness.

Grandparents' & Special Person's Day & our annual May Crowning will be held on Friday, May 9th.  Look for more details coming after vacation.

Our May School Mass will be held on Friday, May 16th at 9am.  All are welcome to join us in worship.  Please remember that no physical education uniforms should be worn to Mass.

Living Stations of the Cross - One of Lent's most beautiful traditions is the Stations of the Cross.  St. Mary's Parish presents the Stations of the Cross on each Friday in Lent at 7pm in the church. Our 8th grade students would also like to invite you to our annual "Living Stations of the Cross".  This year, the Living Stations will be presented on Friday, April 11th at 2pm for the school community and at 7pm for the parish.  You are most welcome to attend either presentation.  The 7pm presentation will be preceded by a simple soup and bread dinner coordinated by the 8th grade.  The dinner begins at 5:30pm in the Parish Center.


This year, our spring vacation falls during Holy Week.  We would like to remind everyone that the Chrism Mass will be held at St. Joseph's Cathedral in Hartford on Tuesday, 4/15/14 at 11am.  Everyone is welcome to attend this beautiful liturgy.  As noted in the Catholic Transcript on 4/21/11 - " The Chrism Mass manifests the fullness of the bishop's priesthood and signifies the close unity of the priests with him.  During the liturgy, the sacred oils that are used in sacraments are consecrated."  We hope many of you will prayerfully consider attending the Chrism Mass as a special way to prepare for the Easter Triduum.

Holy Week at St. Mary's Parish - We hope many of you will join in the beautiful traditions and liturgies of Holy Week.  Click here for the St. Mary's Parish schedule for Holy Week Services.

School Board Announces New Tuition & CHOICE Program Payment Policy -Ninety percent of the funding for St. Mary’s School comes from tuition and fundraising activities. Effective immediately, St. Mary’s community will put in place a policy regarding delinquent tuition and the Choice school fundraising effort. It is prudent for any institution to have clear policies so that they are clearly understood and can govern those few instances where issues may arise. While these kinds of instances are the exception at our school it is nonetheless important to have appropriate policies in place should they arise. Please click here to read the school board's announcement of this policy and the policy itself.

Grade 7 Munson's Fundraiser - Munson's Chocolates were ready for pick up on Friday, April 4th. If you were unable to pick up your order, it is being held in the school office. Please stop by to pick it up before Friday, 4/11/14 or contact Michele Sherbacow at 860-675-7545 or to make other arrangements.  Please keep in mind that school office is sorely tempted by the presence of these goodies and cannot be held responsible for snacking. Thanks to everyone who supported this 7th grade fundraiser.

Spring Piano Lessons - Mr. Cosham has a couple of spots open for beginning piano students.  If you have someone interested in beginning the study of piano, please contact Mr. Cosham at

Lost & Found - So sad.....a bag of snow clothes has been abandoned here at school.  The bag has a "London" print and contains a pair of black size 10 "grow along" Lands' End snowpants, a pair of purple boots, a multicolored scarf and a pair of hot pink gloves.  Even though it is unlikely the owner will needs these things again soon, we hope they will find their way back home.  Please stop by the office if these belong to your child.  They will be donated to charity if not claimed before April break.

Houston, Grade 5 is Ready for Take-Off.  Last week, Mr. Chris Doskos, father of Luke, Gr. 5, visited to enrich and enhance  science studies.  Mr. Doskos brought in a  prototype of a space suit. Mr. Doskos talked  about the evolution of the spacesuit and how and why it changed over the years. He also explained how a space suit is constructed. All of the students tried on a space glove.  Our thanks to Mr. Doskos for sharing his time and experience with our students.

News for the Week of 4/3/14

Our April School Mass will be on Friday, 4/4/14, at 9am in the church.  All are welcome to join us in worship.  The Home & School Association will host a coffee beginning at 8:30am in the Parish Center. Please remember that no physical education uniforms should be worn to Mass.

Calendar Reminders

Report cards will be sent home Friday, 4/4/14.
School is closed for Spring vacation from Monday, April 14 - Friday, April 18.
School will be OPEN Monday, 4/21/14 & relaxed uniforms may be worn beginning on this date.
IOWA testing of students in grades 3 - 7 begins on Monday, 4/28 and continues through Monday, 5/5, with Tuesday, May 6 and Wednesday, May 7 reserved for "makeups" due to illness.

Just in time for our Relaxed Uniform, Lands' End has announced a Penny Sale on logos from April 9-11.  Our School Logo is NOT REQUIRED but is permissible on the following uniform items:  polo shirts, sweatshirts, sweaters, vests, and wind pants.  

When thinking about the Relaxed Uniform, please keep the following uniform guidelines in mind:  A belt must be worn with walking shorts and slacks.  School shoes should be worn with both the relaxed uniform and the formal uniform.  Sneakers are only acceptable on physical education days.  Socks are required with all foot ware. 

The Relaxed Uniform may be worn beginning Monday, 4/21/14.

Grade 7 Fundraising - Munson's Chocolate Pick Up - If you ordered Munson's Chocolates, they will be available for pick up on Friday, April 4th from 2:30pm - dismissal in the Parish Center kitchen.  If you will not be able to come in and pick up your order at that time or if you would like your order sent home with your student that rides the bus, please contact Michele Sherbacow at 860-675-7545 or to make arrangements.  Thanks to all that supported this grade 7 fundraiser.

Observing the Holy Season of Lent - 

One Prayer a Day - Faculty, staff, administration and students have been invited by Mrs. Gannatti to share in a series of daily Lenten reflections.  
Click here if you would like an opportunity to share in these daily reflections.

Reconciliation - Again this year, throughout Lent the sacrament of Reconciliation will be available at St. Mary's Church on each Monday evening from 6-7pm.  Students in grades 4-8 will also have the opportunity to receive this sacrament at school during this Lenten season.  Our thanks to our school chaplain, Father Santiago, for coordinating this.

Living Stations of the Cross - One of Lent's most beautiful traditions is the Stations of the Cross.  St. Mary's Parish presents the Stations of the Cross on each Friday in Lent at 7pm in the church. Our 8th grade students would also like to invite you to our annual "Living Stations of the Cross".  This year, the Living Stations will be presented on Friday, April 11th at 2pm for the school community and at 7pm for the parish.  You are most welcome to attend either presentation.  The 7pm presentation will be preceded by a simple soup and bread dinner coordinated by the 8th grade.  The dinner begins at 5:30pm in the Parish Center.

Do you know a family interested in St. Mary’s School?  Please encourage them to stop by for our St. Mary’s School Morning Open House on Wednesday, April 9th from 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM, we invite interested parents and students to stop in for a cup of coffee and a look at our school. St. Mary’s offers traditional academics, 1:1 iPad technology, differentiated instruction and daily faith. We welcome interested families to stop by! Any questions, please call the school office at 860-658-9412.

Making Connections in Our Community - We are excited to share that we have partnered with the CT1 Media and the Hartford Courant to increase our media exposure in our area.  We have a brand new "landing page" on CT360 designed to spotlight our school when people search specific key words and geographic locations in Connecticut. Since the Hartford Courant is a frequent Google search, this partnership immediately increases  Click here to visit this landing page. 

St. Mary’s School Heavenly Day of Golf Tee Sponsors.  Help show your love of St. Mary’s School by signing up to be a tee sponsor for our tournament.  Sponsorships cost $100 and are a great way for parents, grandparents and friends to show their support for St. Mary’s School.  Please click here to register online or click here to download a sponsorship form.

Athletic News -

Blue Knight Night will be held on April 9th, 2014 from 6-8:30pm.

All basketball players from JVA and Varsity teams should attend wearing their game jerseys and shorts. Parents of these players will have the opportunity to play basketball against their children.

Coaches will be summarizing the team's season as well as handing out team awards.

Pizza and drinks will be provided at 6:00pm

Campus Facilities Update

Last week, we reported that construction of the access ramp for the modular units was expected to begin.  The weather last week resulted in a delayed start.  Construction of the ramp is now underway and we are all excited to get to the finish line soon!

From left, Emily, Audrey & Sophie - Grade 5 - proudly represented
SMS in the FMI All-State Gala Band.
St. Mary's Stars - Congratulations to the Instrumental Music students that recently participated in FMI's All-State Band Concert at Central Connecticut State University!  Again this year, St. Mary's was well represented at this prestigious all-state level with several of our musicians earning the distinction of first chair.  Over 310 instrumental music students from the state of Connecticut participated in this year's concert representing 51 Catholic schools. Our special congratulations to students who earned the distinction of being first "chair"for their instrumental section.  These include:  Joanna Kuziak, Grade 7.  Joanna was first chair Trombone in the prestigious FMI All-State Jazz Band.  Lindsey Voelker was first chair Flute in the All- State Symphonic Band.  Shayna Glazier, Grade 6, was first chair Alto Saxophone in the All-State Symphonic Band. Students that played in the Concert, Symphonic and Jazz Bands will now also play on the grounds of Lincoln Center in New York City at the end of May.  Our thanks to our school's FMI Instructor, Mrs. Debbie Morse, for all her hard work and dedication in helping our students prepare for this important event.  We would also like to applaud all those parents that supported their all-state musicians and made time for weekend and evening rehearsals that include driving to Manchester to make the concert possible.  To see a complete list of FMI All-State musicians from SMS, click here.

Spring Piano Lessons - Mr. Cosham has a couple of spots open for beginning piano students.  If you have someone interested in beginning the study of piano, please contact Mr. Cosham at

Home & School Association News

Home & School Association News - Many thanks to the individuals who have accepted nominations to serve as HSA Board Officers for 2014-15. Elections for 2014-15 HSA Board Officers will be held on April 3rd   at the Home & School Meeting in the grade 8 classroom beginning at 6:00 pmNominees include:

President - Jennifer Pavlonnis
Co-Vice President - Ellen Bompane
Co-Vice President - Amy Lillis
Treasurer - Frank Conde
Recording Secretary - Noreen Kuziak
Corresponding Secretary - Beth Scully

To learn more about this year's nominees, click here.

Box Tops for Education – Have you been clipping your Box Tops?  Don’t forget that you can send them into your child’s classroom at any time!

Connecticut Federation of Catholic School Parents - The Federation is pleased to report that the Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee voted yesterday in support of amending Section 9 of SB 29 and they have added an additional $12,000,000 to the program.

Over the next several weeks they are asking that you contact your Legislator to thank them for their support of HB 5564 and the amendment to Section 9 of SB 29- allowing non-public schools access to the School Security grant funding available to public schools.  Click here for more information.
Community News

Talcott Mountain Science Center invites you to an evening in their On the Shoulders of Giants series.  

Kerri L. Cahoy, PHD is an atmospheric scientist and Boeing Assistant Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics at MIT.  Dr. Cahoy is also an alumna of the Talcott Mountain Science Academy.  Join the Academy on Thursday, April 10th at 7pm in welcoming her back and learning about her journey in science and her work on advances in her scientific field. 

 Click here for more information.

Partners in Faith - Click here for the April edition of Partners in Faith.

Spring Clean-Up at St. Mary's - Mark your calendars for the morning of April 5th. The St. Mary's Men's Prayer Group invites SMS dads and their families to join them after 8am Mass.  There will be coffee and donuts for all the volunteers who help clean up the church and school grounds in preparation for Easter.  More info to come, a fun service event for the whole family.

Northwest Catholic High School Invites You!  Bring the family for Circus fun! The Northwest Catholic Dramateurs will present Barnum from Friday, April 4th - Sunday, April 6th.    Each show will be preceded by a "carnival" an hour prior to performance time. Featured performers include SMS alumi, Matthew Sottile, Class of '12 as Ringmaster.  Also performing in the cast are Avery Hatch, Class of '12 and Ally Voelker, Class of '13.  Sarah Jessen, Class of '13, has contributed her artistic style to the show's creative and visually spectacular set. Gabriela Doskos, Class of '13, will be performing in the pit band. You won't want to miss Jumbo the Elephant's appearance! For more information and tickets, click here.

It's "elemental"
Have you ever heard of the molecule "caboron" or "bornitrodilithcar"?  The students in grade 5 have. In fact, they have invented these new molecules. During the study of atoms and molecules, the students constructed their own atoms based on the Periodic Table of Elements using marshmallows and pipe cleaners. After the construction of the atoms, students put these atoms together to develop the new molecules.  As they progress through the middle school science curriculum, they will come to understand why some creative combinations do not actually exist.
